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2020 Presidential Election

CNA Staff, Sep 17, 2020 / 05:15 pm MT (CNA).- The Diocese of Amarillo has spoken out about election-related comments from Fr. Frank Pavone, the national director of the pro-life group Priests for Life, and asked prayers for the priest. In a Sept. 16 statement, the diocese noted that Pavone, …

by Matt Hadro Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Sep 16, 2020 / 03:15 pm MT (CNA).- Defense of innocent human life should be “uppermost” in the mind of Catholic voters at election time, the bishop of Allentown, Pennsylvania, has told Catholics in his diocese. In a letter issued Sept. 9 on voting …

CNA Staff, Sep 16, 2020 / 01:45 pm MT (CNA).- Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark said on Tuesday that voters could choose Joe Biden in good conscience, and suggested he would have difficulty voting for President Donald Trump. The cardinal told CNA Sept. 16 that his comments were not intended …

Twentieth Century theologian John Courtney Murray, S.J., remains the most important interpreter of the American Catholic experience of citizenship and religious liberty. Featured on the cover of Time magazine in 1960, Father Murray was a chief architect of Vatican II’s Declaration on Religious Liberty. In his seminal book, We Hold …

CNA Staff, Sep 9, 2020 / 03:32 pm MT (CNA).- After a Wisconsin priest said in a viral video that no Catholic can be a Democrat, the priest’s bishop will attempt fraternal correction, and said Wednesday the priest has inflicted a “wound” upon the Church. A Texas bishop, however, has …

by Matt Hadro Washington D.C., Sep 4, 2020 / 06:35 pm MT (CNA).- The Catholic voter outreach of Joe Biden’s presidential campaign has launched its 2020 efforts, telling Catholics that Biden’s priorities align with those of Pope Francis, despite the nominee’s support for federal funding of abortions. On Thursday night, …

by Matt Hadro Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Sep 3, 2020 / 09:10 am MT (CNA).- Vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris questioned a judicial nominee over his affiliation with a Christian adoption agency, and another about briefs he wrote for religious liberty lawsuits against the federal contraception mandate. She also questioned another …

In the Spring of 2019, I took my oldest daughter to see the stage production of Hamilton. Huge fans of the music since the time the cast album dropped, we couldn’t wait to finally see it performed in person. As the theatre darkened and the first notes of the show …

by Christine Rousselle Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Aug 28, 2020 / 10:30 am MT (CNA).- A Boston priest has apologized for a social media post in which he said he believes in the “right to choose” and endorsed former vice president Joe Biden. The post, made Sunday, received widespread media attention …

CNA Staff, Aug 26, 2020 / 08:22 pm MT (CNA).- Sr. Deirdre “Dede” Byrne, POSC, was among the speakers at the 2020 Republican National Convention. Now a Catholic religious sister, Byrne previously served as a surgeon, retired army officer, and missionary. The full text of her speech, delivered August 26, …