Posts Tagged
150th anniversary
Little Sisters of the Poor celebrate 150 years

On Saturday, October 20 the Little Sisters of the Poor celebrated their 150th anniversary. Here’s the day in pictures:
St. Joseph Parish is focal point of faith in south Hamilton

The spire of St. Joseph Church is a landmark in south Hamilton, where it has pointed heavenward for 150 years. When Fran Meehan attended the parish elementary school some 80 years ago, “every other house around here was a St. Joseph house,” she said. “We were a very large parish …
Celebrating the past, looking to the future St. Stephen Parish celebrates 150th anniversary

As St. Stephen Parish in Cincinnati’s Columbia Tusculum neighborhood celebrates 15 decades of serving the area’s Catholics, the congregation is as focused on the future as on looking at the past. “There are more than 200 families now and we are beginning to grow,” said Mike Keating, life-long parishioner and …
150 years of tradition at St. Rose enduring fires, floods, changes

Tom Raabe has been passing the collection basket for 40 years at St. Rose Church in the East End. There have been several times when “a young couple will come in and they’ll say this is the place. This is the church we have to get married in. That’s happened …
Bridgetown parish celebrates 150th anniversary

Shortly after the end of the Civil War, the predominantly German farmers who populated what is today Hamilton County’s Green Township, tired of the weekly trek to Mass at Our Lady of Victory Parish in Delhi Township or St. James in White Oak. “Back in that time, it was still …
St. Boniface celebrates 150 years

By Patricia McGeever For The Catholic Telegraph When you’ve been a constant and comforting presence in a community for 150 years, a tall celebration is in order. That’s exactly what is happening at St. Boniface Parish in Northside.