St. John XXIII Catholic School and Pantene Beautiful Lengths
St. John XXIII Catholic School, Middletown, hosted a Pantene Beautiful Lengths event May 5 to provide natural hair wigs for those suffering from the side effects of cancer treatment
The school day began with their faculty, staff and students supporting an indoor walk-a-thon due to bad weather. While it was raining outside, the spirit of the St. John XXIII family was not affected. The students and staff took advantage of enjoying the indoor walk, and many parents joined in the fun, fellowship and exercise.
After the walk, the school day took a “hairy” turn. St. John XXIII kindergarten teacher, Katie Whitacre, organized the Pantene Beautiful Lengths hair donation event. Our principal, Dawn Pickerill, 5 teachers and 22 girls participated with a total of 64 ponytails given, which will make 8 wigs for those who have lost their hair battling cancer. Also, 8 boys shaved their heads to show support of those struggling with this disease. It was a privilege to see our principal, teachers and students giving of themselves for the benefit of those who are struggling with cancer.