Sister’s efforts inspire students to support missions

By Eileen Connelly, OSU
The Catholic Telegraph
Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Rose William Herzog has never served as a missionary herself, but she strongly believes in supporting mission efforts and encouraging others to do the same.
The longtime educator is dedicated to doing so through her fundraising efforts at St. John the Baptist School in Harrison on behalf of the Missionary Childhood Association (MCA). The organization was originally founded as the Holy Childhood Association with the goal of helping children reach out in faith to their counterparts in need. The mission of the MCA continues today, inviting young people to pray and offer financial assistance so that children in mission areas may come to know Christ and experience His love.
“I feel so deeply for children who are hungry,” Sister Rose William said. “So many live in dirt houses and even sleep on the ground. If there is something we can do to help them, then we should.”
That’s the message she shares with the students at St. John the Baptist School, where she first arrived to teach in 1983. Sister Rose William now visits the school each Friday, attending Mass with children and teachers and sharing her passion for helping the missions.
Her work includes coordinating annual Advent and Lenten fundraising campaigns. Proceeds benefit the MCA, along with the ministries of other Sisters of Charity involved in missionary service.
Sister Rose William said the students are excited about praying for and helping those in need. “I try to tell the students stories and use examples to motivate them to donate,” she said.
A favorite example is the definition of loving kindness. As explained by Sister Rose William, kindness would be sharing a piece of bread with someone who is hungry. Loving kindness would be adding jam to the bread. “I tell the children to put jam on their offerings,” said Sister Rose William.
“It’s good for the students spiritually to learn to make sacrifices,” she added. “It helps them to know they are giving other children hope.”
Teresa Phillips, associate director of the archdiocesan Mission Office, praised Sister Rose William’s efforts, saying, “She models the missionary spirit for the students. It’s because of her enthusiasm and love for the missions that they are inspired to give.”
This story originally appeared in the October 2015 print edition of The Catholic Telegraph.