Search Result for “Eucharist”
In letter, pope encourages priests dejected by abuse crisis
IMAGE: CNS photo/Stefano Rellandini, Reuters By Junno Arocho Esteves VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis acknowledged the shame and frustration felt by priests who are discouraged by the actions of fellow clergy members who betrayed the trust of their flock through sexual abuse and abuse of conscience and power. In …
Question of Faith: Why Holy Days of Obligation?
Q: Due to work or other commitments, many people find attending Mass on holy days difficult. Why does the Church ask its members to attend Mass on holy days of obligation? What makes those days different? A: Although all Sundays are the “Day of the Lord” and the faithful should …
Editor’s Note: Finding Grace with Children at Mass
As parents of young children in church, we’ve all been there: the squirming, the diving below the pews, the waving for attention of the adults behind us, the too-loud whispers to “Sit down and be quiet,” and “Listen to Father.” I confess that, as a mother of four children under …
St. Antoninus Parish Celebrates 75 Years of Faith
by Erin Erin Schurenberg St. Antoninus Parish marked 75 years as a community of faith during a special Mass on June 2. Bishop Joseph R. Binzer presided at the joyous liturgy assisted by Father Ron Haft, pastor. “The most important thing is that we gather here to praise God, that …
Sisters of the Precious Blood elect new leadership team
DAYTON, Ohio — The Sisters of the Precious Blood have completed their 2019 Assembly, electing a new leadership team and setting directives for the future of the Congregation. Sister Edna Hess was elected president and Sister Patty Kremer vice president. The new Councilors are Sisters Ann Clark, Marla Gipson and …
Embracing an Expectant Catholicism
Wow, what an adventure. I just got back from Michigan, where I spent a week with an apostolate called St. Paul Street Evangelization (“SPSE”), bringing the Gospel to absolute strangers. Me. I did that. Nicholas Hardesty, the most introverted guy you will ever meet, walked up to random people in …
Catholic Thoughts: Finding Hope in Hopeless Times
What can we do?” Over and over, people come to me with that question. We want to have a plan, a way to overcome the darkness in our world. Oh, how I wish I had the answer. But, as in all things spiritual, the answer abides within each of us …
Tradition Meets Modernity at the New St. John the Baptist Church
Story by Lisa Biedenbach • Photos by E.L. Hubbard How to marry the tradition of an established church in downtown Harrison with a new worship space to be built on nearby farmland was a daunting challenge,” said Father Jeff Kemper, pastor of St. John the Baptist Church, who took part in …
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr
Every Catholic should know the definition of a sacrament as “an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.” And what s grace? The “Catechism of the Catholic Church” calls grace “participation in the life of God.” That is a font that never runs dry. Moreover, the grace poured out …
Christian community a place of welcome, solidarity, pope says
IMAGE: CNS photo/Paul Haring By Junno Arocho Esteves VATICAN CITY (CNS) — To be part of a Christian community is to belong to a group of believers who shun selfishness and give witness to God’s love by loving and caring for one another, Pope Francis said. While modern society places …