Search Result for “Eucharist”
Q&A: Can I attend an SSPX Mass in the case of a friend’s wedding?
September 2013 Dear Father: A friend’s daughter is engaged to be married. Her family belongs to the Society of St. Pius X. The marriage will take place during a Mass at their SSPX parish. While I realize that Roman Catholics are not permitted to attend a Mass at a SSPX …
Nun vs. nun? Two convents’ CDs vie for spot atop Billboard charts
By Mark Pattison Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) — It’s not exactly the Beatles vs. the Rolling Stones, but just as those two bands shook up the pop charts nearly a half-century ago, two convents’ CDs are vying for a spot atop the Billboard classical music charts.
St. Leo Parish welcomes Mission of HOPE Ministry
By Megan Walsh The Catholic Telegraph A Mass at St. Leo the Great Catholic Church sometimes looks more like a UN meeting than anything else. A congregation that is 90 percent refugees and immigrants from East Africa and Guatemala gives it a special flavor and special needs that were served …
Surviving secular college as a Catholic no easy task
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Sex, drugs and rock & roll may have once been seen as the primary impediments to living a Catholic life while in college. While no doubt related temptations remain, Catholic students, especially at secular colleges, now must contend with cultural values that oppose church …
The CT seeks interfaith relation stories
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Catholics are a diverse group. Many are well studied on the intricacies of the faith, many are only culturally Catholic and many fall somewhere in between. But what do Catholics know about the church’s relationship with other religions? The Catechism of the Catholic Church …
Still time for archdiocese Catholics to gain indulgence
Staff Report Although the Year of Faith will draw to a close on Nov. 24, the feast of Christ the King, faithful Catholics in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati still have the opportunity to receive a special plenary indulgence (a gift of grace from God), by visiting churches/holy sites designated by …
Local Family wins Knights of Columbus ‘Family of the Year’ honors
By Megan Walsh The Catholic Telegraph What happens when you, your wife, your brother, your sister-in-law, your daughter, her husband and your sister all contribute to the vibrant parish life of St. Philip the Apostle Parish in Morrow? You have high chances of winning the Family of the Year honors …
Badin coach sees faith as integral part of football team
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph There is a perception that exists, among critics of Catholic high school athletics, that some schools are little more than glorified “football factories.” These schools, they say, exist to accept alumni donations so they can keep expanding their athletic programs and facilities to the …
144-year-old St. Louis bell survives fall
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph For decades, the several blocks around 8th and Walnut streets in downtown Cincinnati have echoed the sounds of the St. Louis Church bell. Sometime in late June, it was noticed that the noon bells, which signal to many daily Mass goers that its time …
Rosary Rally, symposium set at University of Dayton July 30
Press Release DAYTON, Ohio — An unusual procession dedicated to Mary, the mother of Jesus, will travel from a hill high on the University of Dayton campus to its heart during a “Rosary Rally.”