Search Result for “Eucharist”
“Discipleship, straight up” Youth Evangelization Office launches VIA, new “way” of ministry
By Gail Finke VIA. It’s a new name, but an ancient idea: Evangelizing to others by the witness of a life of faith, grounded in prayer. “It’s not a new program,” said Brad Bursa, Director of the Office for Youth Evangelization and Discipleship for the archdiocese. “It’s not anything the …
Fr. Endres Question of Faith – How do we receive His Body and Blood?
By Father David Endres Q: I received the Eucharist under both forms – the host and from the chalice – for the first time recently and I felt Christ in my heart as never before. I thought it was because I was receiving the Precious Blood and not just the …
Meet the new Transitional Deacons
April 29, 2017 – On a stormy morning which brought flooding, trees and power lines down throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, four men along with a full crowd at The Cathedral of Saint Peter in Chains gathered for the Ordination of Deacons. The men ordained were Craig Edward Best from …
True faith means loving others to the extreme, pope tells Egypt’s Catholics
IMAGE: CNS/Paul Haring By Carol Glatz CAIRO (CNS) — The only kind of fanaticism that is acceptable to God is being fanatical about loving and helping others, Pope Francis said on his final day in Egypt. “True faith,” he told Catholics, “makes us more charitable, more merciful, more honest and …
Celebrating the past, looking to the future St. Stephen Parish celebrates 150th anniversary
As St. Stephen Parish in Cincinnati’s Columbia Tusculum neighborhood celebrates 15 decades of serving the area’s Catholics, the congregation is as focused on the future as on looking at the past. “There are more than 200 families now and we are beginning to grow,” said Mike Keating, life-long parishioner and …
All hands on deck: Franciscan idea can expand church leadership pool
IMAGE: CNS/L’Osservatore Romano By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) — For St. Francis of Assisi, following Christ meant imitating his humility and forsaking riches, power and status; the men who call themselves Franciscans today believe they are called to embrace the same attitudes, including in their governance. In early April, …
Divine Mercy Sunday at Emmanuel (Dayton)
Emmanuel Church, Dayton’s oldest Catholic church, will end a nine-day Divine Mercy novena with a special afternoon celebrating the feast. Confessions, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Eucharistic Adoration 12:30-2 pm, Benediction 1:45 pm, 2 pm Mass, 3 pm prayer.
Divine Mercy Sunday April 23rd
When Pope John Paul canonized Sr. Faustina (making her St. Faustina), he also, on the same day, surprised the entire world by establishing Divine Mercy Sunday (the feast day associated with the message) as a feast day for the entire Church. The feast day falls on the Second Sunday of …
Papal preacher: Victory belongs to one who triumphs over self, not others
IMAGE: CNS/Paul Haring By Carol Glatz VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Jesus came to the world not just to teach, but to radically change human hearts that have hardened from sin, the preacher of the papal household said during a service commemorating Christ’s death on the cross. “A heart of stone …
Holy Week 2017 in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati
There are many Masses and Services during Holy Week. On Tuesday April 11th, The Chrism Mass will take place at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral at 7:00 p.m. with Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr as Celebrant. The Chrism Mass is where the Archbishop, joined by the priests of the diocese, gathers …