Schedule of Roe vs. Wade memorial events around archdiocese released

The following information, released by Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati, are known area events commemorating the Jan. 22 1973 Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Decision, which legalized abortion on-demand–the 43rd year of this tragic memorial. (Any later additional events will be posted on the Cincinnati Right to Life Area Events page).
“Since 1973, over 57 million American babies have been victims of the abortion industry,” said Paula Westwood, Executive Director, Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati, “which means also their mothers and fathers and families. For them we redouble efforts to wipe clean abortion’s stain of shame and sadness from our country.”
Mary’s Mantle 2nd Saturday Pro-Life Mass & Prayer Vigil, January 9, 8 a.m. at Holy Name Church, Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, (513/258-7620)
Mother Seton Knights of Columbus Paddle Party for Life, January 10, 2:30 p.m., in St. William Church undercroft, 4108 West 8th St., West Price Hill, to benefit Seton High School’s pro-life Saints for Life to the March for Life in DC. (513/482-0963, [email protected])
St. Vincent Ferrer 2nd Wednesday Witness for Life Prayer Vigil, January 13, 9:30-10:30 a.m., Planned Parenthood, Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, OH.
Third Friday Pro-Life Mass, January 15, noon; Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, 5440 Moeller Ave., Norwood, OH (513/351-9800)
40 Days for Life Interim Prayer Vigil, January 15, 7-8 p.m., in front of Planned Parenthood on Auburn Ave., Cincinnati (513/365-2606, [email protected])
Helpers of God’s Precious Infants Pro-Life Mass & Prayer Vigils at Planned Parenthood, January 16 & 23, 8 a.m., Holy Name Church, Auburn Ave., Cincinnati (513/825-3064)
Saturday Sharonville Rosary & Prayer Vigils at Women’s Med Center abortion facility, January 16, 9:15 a.m.; 23, 9 a.m.; 30, 9:15 a.m.; 11250 Lebanon Rd., Sharonville, OH 45241; held on grassy strip between driveway and LaRosa’s (513/378-4262)
32nd Annual Downtown Pro-life Rosary Procession & Rally, January 16, 11 a.m., Cincinnati City Hall; noon Fountain Square Rally; speakers Ohio Representative Nino Vitale and Ryle High School Pro-life student, Patrick Edwards; emcee State Representative Tom Brinkman. (
Living Rosary for Life, January 16, 6 p.m. in the church after 5 p.m. Vigil Mass; St. Anthony Parish, 485 Grand Ave., Taylor Mill, KY; followed by 6:30 p.m. potluck in undercroft honoring St. Anthony of the Desert feast day. (859/431-1773)
St. Thomas More Church Evening Service of Reparation for the Unborn, January 20, 7 p.m., 800 Ohio Pike, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45245.
Archdiocese of Cincinnati March for Life Student Bus Sendoff, January 21, 7 pm, Good Shepherd Parish, 8815 East Kemper Rd., Cincinnati, OH; open to the public. (513/421-3131)
42nd Year Memorial Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court Decision, January 22; spend time in prayer at Planned Parenthood or Women’s Med Center in Sharonville, or at home or church.
Diocese of Covington Day of Prayer and Penance, January 22, all parishes in the diocese will be open (including a specified time in each parish for Eucharistic Adoration) to allow the faithful to pray for an end to abortion and all those affected by it. (859/392-1545)
“No Choice but Pro-Life”, January 22, 6:45 p.m. (doors open 6:10 p.m.), Legacy Hall, Creation Museum, 2800 Bullittsburg Church Rd, Petersburg, KY; speakers Ken Ham, Ty Benbow, Dr. Tommy Mitchell; no cost; Café open till 6:15 p.m. for food purchase. (859/727-2222 x255)
#ProtestPP at Washington DC, Planned Parenthood construction site, January 21, 9 a.m., 1225 4th St NE, Washington DC (map; Facebook RSVP)
Cincinnati Mini-March for Life, in front of Cincinnati Planned Parenthood’s abortion headquarters, Auburn Ave., January 22, noon-1 p.m.; sponsored by Greater Cincinnati Young Adults for Life.
Diocese of Covington Washington DC Pre-March Mass – March for Life travelers from the Diocese of Covington will meet at St. Dominic Church, 630 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20024 for Rosary at 9:00 am and Mass at 9:30 am on January 22, prior to the March for Life. (859/392-1546)
March for Life, Washington, DC, January 22; noon; area individuals, schools, groups and buses traveling to attend (
March for Life, Washington DC, Congressmen Constituent Reception, co-hosted by Congressmen Steve Chabot and Brad Wenstrup for March for Life participants, January 22, 1:30-4:30 p.m., The Rayburn Foyer in the Rayburn Office Building, Washington, DC; refreshments provided; all welcome. (RSVP to Emily Garlock, [email protected] 202/225-3164, see flyer.)
March for Life, Washington DC, Senators Constituent Reception, co-hosted by Congressman Jim Jordan and Senator Rob Portman, along with Ohio Right to Life for March for Life participants, January 22, 1-4 p.m., Rayburn Office Building, room 2168.
See all other Washington DC events planned in conjunction with the March for Life.
Butler County Right To Life Annual Prayer March for Life, January 22, 7-8 p.m., old Butler County Courthouse, High & Court Streets, Hamilton OH; signs provided; event will take place regardless of weather. (513/867-1832; [email protected])
All Saints Church CELEBRATE LIFE, January 22, 8939 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45236; 3:30 – 6:30 p.m. includes opening prayer service, Rosary, demonstration walk by Montgomery road with positive signs provided, plus fire pit and hot chocolate. All welcome! (513/792- 4609)
Life’s 5th Quarter – Youth Focused Pro-Life Mass & Prayer Vigil at Planned Parenthood, January 30, 8 a.m. at Holy Name Church, Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, OH; Archbishop Schnurr presiding; including high school, college, and youth groups ([email protected])