Reading Pastoral Region Celebrates their Parishes

Press Release
Father David Howard of the Reading Pastoral Region (consisting of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart and Sts. Peter and Paul Parishes in Reading, OH) celebrated with parishioners at their first combined picnic on Sunday, September 29, 2013 at Reading’s Koenig Park.
Though both parishes held picnics in the past, this was the first year of the combined picnic. Parish families gathered together for an early fall afternoon celebrating their faith community, friends, fun and food! It was great for members of both parishes to come together on such a very special day. The togetherness symbolized greater things to come from our Collaborative Pastoral Region.
Father Howard said, “It was such a tremendous blessing to see both parish families gather together in fellowship and work together to further solidify their identity as a Collaborative Pastoral Region and a shared community of evangelizers for Jesus Christ!”
The planning committee, headed by Our Lady of the Sacred Heart parishioner Mary Sears, worked hard to ensure each guest had a memorable experience. Sts. Peter and Paul’s Social Committee reached out with a helping-hand to coordinate the event for their parish. Mary said, “What a great community building event. We had parishioners from ages 1-90 socializing and enjoying each other’s company!”
Pam Eling of Sts. Peter and Paul’s Social Committee added, “Our first Pastoral Region Picnic was a great day and a wonderful way for us to show our unity in the spirit of Christ.”
Over the past year, Father Howard has worked diligently with the Reading Pastoral Region of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart and Sts. Peter & Paul parishes by bringing them together for ministry. The two parishes now share Parish School of Religion, RCIA, Youth Ministry, Penance Services, Lenten Soup & Bread Dinners and normal camaraderie. The Parishes’ Youth Ministry coordinated children’s games including face painting, bubbles and other activities at this year’s picnic.
Reading’s Catholic Community is a rich part of the city and its’ history. In May, the Reading Pastoral Region participated with Father Howard in Reading’s 104th Memorial Day Parade. The parade began in Arlington Heights and traveled through Lockland and into Reading where it was greeted by hundreds of cheering residents.
The Reading Pastoral Region’s transition has been very smooth, especially with the long relationship of working together on other things such as RCIA and supporting festivals and dances. The pastoral region just seemed like the natural progression for our community. Father Howard continues to do a tremendous job, bringing us together in more ways as we grow together in faith and community.
For additional information regarding the Reading Pastoral Region, please contact Sts. Peter and Paul’s Parish Office at 554.1010 or Our Lady of the Sacred Heart’s Parish Office at 733-4950.