Planned Parenthood abortion center to remain open, pro-life advocates undeterred

By John Stegeman
The Catholic Telegraph
Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio will not be forced to shut down a Cincinnati abortion clinic after the Ohio Department of Health granted the abortion provider a variance, allowing it to remain open despite not having a written transfer agreement with a local hospital.
A press release from Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati reported that Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio dropped a lawsuit against ODH and Director Richard Hodges in light of the variance being granted.
“To avoid a lawsuit, the Ohio Department of Health has catered to the abortion industry and thus ensured continued wounding of women and the death of their unborn babies,” said Paula Westwood, Executive Director, Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati. “Prayer and witness will continue at this facility for as long as it takes to ensure that every life, born and unborn, is guaranteed the gift of life.”
In October, Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio was cited for its failure to obtain a transfer agreement as required by law. Nov. 10 Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio filed a lawsuit against ODH. On Nov. 12 ODH stated it would not take action until a court ruled on Planned Parenthood’s request for an injunction. The legal battle was halted in the wake of the variance being granted.
“All variance requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis,” said Melanie Amato, a spokesperson for ODH. “This one was granted because it met the legal requirements and medical expectations for patient health and safety.”
In Hodges letter granting the variance, he states that Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio’s variance in this case expires on May 31, 2015, to coincide with its next license renewal.
Back in August, an unaffiliated abortion facility in Sharonville was required to cease surgical abortions for failing to have a written transfer agreement.
Hodges replaced Dr. Ted Wymyslo as head of ODH. Wymyslo had previously denied such variances.
Today, Nov. 21, happens to mark 40 Days for Life’s interim monthly prayer vigil outside of Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio. The vigil is from 7-8p.m. outside of the clinic located at 2314 Auburn Ave. in Cincinnati.
“Having this variance will guarantee that young women and their families and, indeed, those working at this Planned Parenthood abortion mill will continue to be deceived by the claim that abortion is a safe procedure and that what they are offering their clients will enhance their well-being,” said Mary Clark, coordinator for Cincinnati’s 40 Days for Life campaign. “With legal setbacks continuing to leave these clients vulnerable, we must call upon the Lord all the more to show us the best way to be Christ’s light in this darkened world.”
Posted Nov. 21, 2014