Parish rebates from One Faith, One Hope, One Love put to work

As part of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s One Faith, One Hope, One Love capital campaign, 20 percent of the funds pledged and received in a parish up to the parish goal are returned directly to fund parish needs. In addition, each parish that exceeds its campaign goal will receive 60% of the overage contributed by its parishioners.
The use of funds are decided locally.
The One Faith, One Hope One, Love website helps tell the stories of some of those rebates at work in a recent piece that highlights: All Saints (Kenwood), Annunciation (Cincinnati), Assumption (Mt. Healthy), Resurrection (Cincinnati) and Corpus Christi (Cincinnati).
For the details on those rebates being put to work, CLICK HERE.
For more news from the One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign, CLICK HERE.