Our Lady of Lourdes school celebrates ‘Vocation Day’

Students at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School celebrated Vocation Day Nov. 4 during National Vocations Awareness Week.
The day involved an all-school Mass concelebrated by Archdiocese of Cincinnati Vocations Director Father Dan Schmitmeyer and Father Larry Zurek, Vocations Director for the Franciscan Friars of St. John the Baptist Province.
After Mass, grades three through eight heard from Father Schmitmeyer, Father Zurek, Precious Blood Sister Mary Wendeln, Sister of Charity Andrea Koverman, Sisters of Mercy Greta Schmidlin and Ann Mary Lay, Franciscan Daughter of Mary Mother Seraphina and Children of Mary Sisters Bernadette Marie and Faustina Maria.
The guests spoke to students about how they came to discern their own vocations and about what their respective congregations or ministries do for the world.
The students received bookmarks, pens, and frisbees from the guest speakers. Father Zurek donated two books to the school library, including a comic book about St. Francis.
The Vocations Day celebration was done as part of the Year of Consecrated Life.
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School is located in Western Hills, a neighborhood west of Cincinnati.