National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children Observances Saturday

By Gail Finke
Saturday is the 5th annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children.
Sponsored nationally by Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, Priests for Life, and the Pro-Life Action League, the day was established so that prayer services would be said at the graves of aborted children, and at memorials for them. Praying for the dead is one of the Corporal Works of Mercy, and one of the things most aborted children are denied.
The following observances are being held in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and are open to all:
Gate of Heaven Cemetery (Montgomery), 9:30 a.m.
Bishop Joe Binzer will preside at this annual at the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s cemetery. Held at the cemetery’s memorial, a statue of Rachel mourning for her children donate by the Knights of Columbus, it will be followed by a light reception. Knights of Columbus and the “Gone Fishing” Homebased Community will assist.
St Bernard Cemetery (Springfield), 10 a.m.
A non-denominational prayer service will be held at the Infant Section of the cemetery. Sponsored by Clark County Right to Life; Cindy Hill of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign will speak.
Woodland Cemetery (Dayton), 11 a.m.
Ecumenical observance at the graves of six aborted children and “Baby Fran;” sponsored by Dayton Right to Life.
Mary, Help of Christians Parish (Fairborn), 4 p.m.
Annual observation will take place in the Life Memorial Garden following 4 pm Mass. Sponsored by the Fairborn Council 3724 Knights of Columbus and Marian Circle 911, Daughters of Isabella.
“Tens of thousands of these children have been retrieved and buried at gravesites across our country,” say the national sponsors. “The stories of how they were killed, how they were found, and how they were buried, along with the pictures and videos that document those events, are powerful tools to awaken the consciences of our fellow citizens.
‘Pro-lifers should be visiting these gravesites—and other memorial sites dedicated to aborted babies—as a regular part of their pro-life witness. That’s what the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children is all about.’
For maps to the events above and information about dozens of area Catholic events, see our Events Calendar at Events can be viewed by day, week, and month.
For information about the national event, and to find locations in other cities and states see