Memphis Poor Clares join Cincinnati Monastery of St. Clare
The Cincinnati Poor Clares have recently welcomed two of their Memphis Sisters to their community. “This has been a 14-month process with our Memphis Sisters, and we are blessed to have Sr. Alma and Sr. Anthony as part of our Cincinnati community. They are settling in and getting to know our Cincinnati Friars, benefactors and friends,” says Sr. Mary Pia, the current Abbess at the Monastery of St. Clare here in Cincinnati.
On June 24, 2020 the Poor Clares will celebrate 30 years in the Archdiocese. They are the only contemplative order within the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Their foundation began with three Sisters from three different Monasteries and has grown to ten solemnly professed sisters. To learn more about the Sisters and their mission go to:

Back Row: Sr. Vickie Griner, Sr. Mary Anthony Nelson, Sr. Dianne Short, Sr. Ann Bartko, Sr. Doris Gerke, Sr. Dianne Short, Sr. Rita Cheong and Sr. Mary Pia Malaboror