Meet the Missionaries: NET Ministries serving archdiocese and beyond

By John Stegeman
The Catholic Telegraph
NET Ministries, a popular youth evangelization outreach, has hosted retreats in this region before, but a new office located at the Archdiocese of Cincinnati headquarters has strengthened its presence.
This year youth from the archdiocese are serving as NET missionaries around the country, while others from around the nation will serve here.
The Archdiocesan youth serving are: Stephen Hale of Cincinnati, Lauren Vanderhorst of Sidney, Stephanie Shoenfelt of Sidney and Amanda Hoehn of Wapakoneta.
For the 2014-15 year, NET Ministries “Team 3” will be serving the Cincinnati region. The Cincinnati Regional Team, Team 3, is made up of Josh Schmitz, Lauryn Coules, Gabrielle Heron, Ryan Melero, Joe Traver, Katie Arens, Mary Clare Stroh, Wesley St. Cyr,Jimmy Abbott, Jaycee Allen, Amber Forness, Michael Brink and Ali Tolsma.
Team 3 had the honor of a special Commissioning Mass with the Archbishop Sept. 30 in the Blessed Sacrament chapel at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains. Team 3 was joined at Mass by NET Ministries and archdiocesan staff, as well as supporters of their ministry. Lunch was provided to the missionaries and supporters afterwards.
In beginning Mass, Archbishop Schnurr noted the importance of the NET Ministries’ work, saying, “They can reach their peer groups in a way that only other youths can.”
During his homily, Archbishop Schnurr added that evangelization is the responsibility of all Christians.
“Every Christian can, and must, evangelize if they are to remain true to his or her deepest identity,” he said. “But in order for the seeds of the Gospel to take root a Christian must be a witness as well as a teacher.”
After his homily, the archbishop presented each member of Team 3 with a rosary given to him and blessed by Pope Emeritus Benedict during his 2008 visit to the United States.
The members of Team 3 hail from Michigan to California. They range in age from 17 to 24.
NET Ministries isn’t new to Cincinnati or to Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr. The group has been active here for a couple of years and the archbishop has been on its board of directors since his time as Bishop of Duluth in Minnesota. This was the second year the missionaries were treated to a Commissioning Mass with reception.
Learn more about the related youths involved in NET Ministries for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati below.

Posted Sept. 20, 2014