Meet area women and men in religious formation
The archdiocese is blessed to have a number of women and men currently in various stages of formation with area religious communities. Meet some of them here:
Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati

First Professed
Sister Tracy Kemme: (Home parish: St. John Neumann)
In her third year of temporary profession (first vows, June 27, 2015)
Ministering: Holy Family Parish, Price Hill, coordinator of Hispanic Ministries
Education: bachelor’s degree in psychology and Spanish, University of Dayton
Ministerial experience: Served in the archdiocesan Social Action Office, regular columnist for Global Sisters Report (a ministry of the National Catholic Reporter), and ongoing service in Ecuador. In her current position, Sister Tracy is leading the multi-faceted outreach to the Hispanic Community on the Westside of Cincinnati including care of all immigrants. She is also working toward a master’s in theology from Xavier University.

Sister Anne Klapheke: (Home parish: Holy Family, Middletown)
In her first year of temporary profession (first vows on Dec. 10, 2016)
Ministering: Good Samaritan Free Health Center (Price Hill), nutritionist
Education: bachelor’s degree in biology, University of Dayton; master’s in human nutrition, The Ohio State University
Ministry experience: Before entering, Sister Annie served as a Jesuit Volunteer (JVC). She currently serves many who rely on the services of the GSFHC for healthcare needs, providing nutritional education and support to patients. After spending a semester in Guatemala studying Spanish, she works closely with other outreach efforts on Cincinnati’s west side.

Andrea Koverman: (Baptized and grew up in Dayton, in St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Centerville, and before entering she taught at Our Lady of Assumption Catholic School in El Paso, Texas)
In her third year of temporary profession (first vows, June 27, 2015)
Ministry experience: Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center in Cincinnati, program director.
Education: bachelor’s degree in education; master’s in education (curriculum & instruction); master’s in education (administration)
Ministry experience: Sister Andrea served for many years as an elementary teacher and administrator in South Carolina and New Mexico. As a teacher in Catholic schools, she also was involved with religious education and coordinating service projects. In her current ministry, she is responsible for leading programs/opportunities related to ending the death penalty. Recently she worked with John Dear to inaugurate the Nonviolent Cincinnati Initiative. She is a regular speaker on justice and peace throughout the region.

Sister Romina Sapinoso: (Home parish in Philippines, Holy Rosary Parish, Angeles City, Philippines, Diocese of Pampanga; at the time of entrance Sister Romina attended St. Pius X and St. Matthew Parishes –both in El Paso, Texas)Apostolic novitiate year – began Aug. 21, 2017
Ministering: Catholic Charities, ESL tutor
Education: bachelor’s degree in psychology from Ateneo Jesuit University, Manila; master’s in education (international multicultural education) from the University of San Francisco
Ministry Experience: Since 2002, Sister Romina has served as an educator in both parochial and public schools in the United States. She is multi-linguistic and used her communication gifts for various outreach ministries as part of her service to education. She intends to continue cultivating her skills in multiculturalism as part of her ministry.

Sister Whitney Schieltz (Home parish, St. Luke, Beavercreek)
Canonical Novitiate Year — began Aug. 20, 2017
Ministers one day a week at Working in Neighborhoods, attends classes, and has dedicated time for prayer and discernment.
Education: master’s degrees architecture and historic preservation from University of Cincinnati
Ministry Experience: During Whitney’s period of Affiliation, she has been serving the women at Villa Maria Home for Women (a ministry of the Sisters of Loretto) in El Paso, Texas, and the children of Santo Nino Project near Juarez, Mexico (a ministry of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati)
Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg

Sister Susan Marie Pliess
Sister Susan Marie Pliess was raised in Dayton, attending Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception grade school and graduating from Carroll High School in 1975. She is one of eight children of Bernard (deceased) and Rita Pleiss. Sister Susan has a degree in civil engineering from Purdue University and a master’s in missions/intercultural communication from Wheaton Graduate School. Prior to entering the Oldenburg Franciscans in 2010, she worked in engineering, taught English in China, and held positions in the green industry, environmental education, and urban farming. Currently, Sister Susan ministers as the parish life director at a mission in Eastern Kentucky in the Diocese of Lexington. The mission is blessed to have support from several parishes in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.
Marianists-Society of Mary

Brother Jean Dossous
Brother Jean Dossous is a temporary professed finishing his degree in teacher education at the University of Dayton. He moved to Dayton several years ago with the Marianist community in Haiti closed. He is the only Haitian Marianist who decided to come to the United States. Other Haitian brothers went to Marianist communities in other countries.

Sung Young Joseph Kim and Joseph Kurt Nugent are second year novices in Dayton. Kim is is from Seoul, South Korea. Nugent is from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Sister Gabrielle Bibeau
Temporary professed Marianist Sister Gabrielle Bibeau is from Indianapolis. She is in graduate school at the University of Dayton. In addition to being a full time grad student in theology, Sister Gabrielle is also working part time at the North American Center for Marianist Studies in Dayton.

Emily Sandoval
Emily Sandoval is a pre-novice with the Marianist Sisters. She was living in Riverside, Calif., most recently, but she is from northern Indiana originally. She is in ministry at the Marianist Mission in Dayton. She lives in the Marianist Sisters’ discernment/formation community — Annunciation Community.
Missionaries of the Precious Blood

Deacon Matthew Keller
Deacon Matthew Keller, son of Paul and Carol Keller, is from St. John the Baptist Parish in Maria Stein, staffed by the Missionaries of Precious Blood. He worked among the senior CPPS members at St. Charles Center before beginning formation with the Missionaries, and spent a year of his formation at the Church of the Resurrection, Cincinnati. He is currently serving his deacon internship at the Dayton Region 7 Parishes of St. Joseph, Emmanuel, and Holy Trinity. As he prepares for priestly ordination, he looks forward with joy to celebrating sacraments with and for the people of God.

Greg Evers
Greg Evers is from Maria Stein, where he attended Marion Local, and the WSU lake campus. He worked in a welding shop for two years before entering formation with the CPPS. He graduated from St. Xavier University in Chicago with a bachelor’s in philosophy in December 2016. He then spent some time with the Missionaries in Guatemala assisting with their ministry and working on his Spanish. Evers is currently doing a community life internship Immaculate Conception Church in Celina, where he teaches seventh grade religion and is part of the RCIA team.