St. John the Baptist, Colerain Township - Church Dimensions
St. John the Baptist, Colerain Township - Church Dimensions9:00 am -
Saturday, February 7th and 14th, 2015, 9 a.m.-2:45 p.m. This 10 hour course examines the nature of what we are called to be as "Church" in all dimensions. It looks closely at the documents of Vatican II for an understanding of our mission and its implications for leadership structures, the role of the laity and the dimension of vibrant parish life. Location: St. John the Baptist Church in Colerain Township; 5361 Dry Ridge Road. Presenter: Fr. David Endres. Cost: $40/$25 from supporting parishes. Bring a brown bag lunch! Register at least five days in advance by calling 421-3131, ext. 2710.