Elder High School - Grandparent Mass & Brunch
Elder High School - Grandparent Mass & Brunch10:00 am -
Sunday, September 28, 2014, 10 am - Noon. Carry on the Tradition! The Elder Alumni Association cordially invites you to introduce your grandsons and future Panthers to everything that is Elder! At 10 am - Doors open, tour our technology labs, library and performing arts facilities in the Rev.Jerome A Schaeper Center! 10:30 am celebrate Mass with fellow alumni and other friends and their grandsons. 11:15 am Enjoy a catered brunch in the cafeteria! Afterwards, show your grandson around campus, find your class picture in the halls or visit our spirit shop. Cost - $10 per person. Reservations required! Please RSVP to the Alumni Office by September 22. Visit our website for more information: www.elderhs.org