Map shows adoration locations in archdiocese

By John Stegeman
The Catholic Telegraph
Various resources exist on The Catholic Telegraph and Archdiocese of Cincinnati websites to help the faithful find Mass times and confession availability, but until this week another key resource had gone dark.
Wayne Topp, associate vocation director for the archdiocese, created a database of parishes and locations offering Eucharistic Adoration a few years ago and included it in an interactive Google Map. When Google updated its settings recently, the map was lost.
“I had a few people who called in asking if I had this list,” Topp said. “When I went to check I said, ‘Oh, I guess I don’t.”
Topp worked to get the map put back together and reposted it online Wednesday. The map is embedded below. To use the map, click on one of the icons. Doing so will bring up the name, location and contact info for the parish/institution and hours adoration is offered.
In addition to its location below, the map is also linked via the archdiocese Find a Parish website.
One of the reasons the Vocations office decided to compile the database was to help foster a culture of vocations in the archdiocese. A vocation is one’s calling by God to their state in life, be it marriage, priesthood, diaconate or religious life.
(See Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr’s Vocation’s Prayer below the map)
“Every year (the Center for Applied Research in the Apostalate) does a survey of ordinands,” Topss said. “Every year, 70-to-80 percent of the guys say Eucharistic Adoration was key in their discernment.”
Topp says by his count, adoration is offered at 95 locations throughout the 19-county Archdiocese of Cincinnati. The Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center in Norwood and St. Boniface in Piqua are two locations offering Perpetual Adoration.
Posted Jan. 15, 2015
To encourage vocations in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, consider saying the following prayer, composed by Archbishop Schnurr.
Almighty Father,
You have created us for some definite purpose.
Grant us the grace to know the path
You have planned for us in this life
and to respond with a generous “Yes.”
Make our archdiocese, parishes, homes and hearts
fruitful ground for Your gift of vocations.
May our young people respond to Your call
with courage and zeal.
Stir among our men a desire and the strength
to be good and holy priests.
Bless us with consecrated religious and those called to a
chaste single life, permanent deacons,
and faithful husbands and wives,
who are a sign of Christ’s love for His Church.
We commend our prayer for vocations to You, Father,
through the intercession of Mary our Mother,
in the Holy Spirit,
through Christ our Lord. Amen.
– Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr