Jubilarians 2019: Sisters of Charity
A total of 33 Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati celebrated special anniversaries with the Community in 2019 with years of commitment ranging from 60 to 75 years. The women represent 2,020 total years of service in the Cincinnati Archdiocese, in dioceses throughout the United States and beyond. Diamond Jubilarians, marking 60 years, were honored at a Mass at the Congregation’s Mount St. Joseph Motherhouse, Delhi Township, Ohio, on Saturday, July 27.
Sisters celebrating 75 years of service are:
Sister Florence Cremering
Sister Betty Jane Lillie
Sister Rose Therese Wich.
Sisters celebrating 70 years of service are:
Sister Joan Cain
Sister Jean Ann Glutz
Sister Mary Germaine Maximovich
Sister Joseph Ellen Noppenberger
Sister Patrice Vales.
Sisters celebrating 65 years of service are:
Sister Carol Ann Brockmeyer
Sister Donna Collins
Sister Shirley Dix
Sister Mary Ann Flannery
Sister John Michael Geis
Sister Rosemarie Gerrety
Sister Katrinka Gunn
Sister Judith Gutzwiller
Sister Catherine Kirby
Sister Elizabeth Jane Mann
Sister Kathleen Ann Murray
Sister Stephen Ann O’Malley
Sister Jean Welling.
This year’s Diamond Jubilarians are:
Sister Suzanne Donovan,
Sister Martha Jean Gallagher
Sister Mary Gallagher
Sister Juanita Marie Gonzales
Sister Maureen Heverin
Sister Carol Leveque
Sister Jo Ann Martini
Sister Mary Alice Stein
Sister Clarann Weinert
Sister Joan Wessendarp.
The Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, an apostolic Catholic women’s religious community, exist to carry out the Gospel of Jesus Christ through prayer and service in the world. Sisters, using their professional talents in the fields of education, health care, social services and environmental justice, live and minister in 19 U.S. dioceses and in Guatemala and Mexico. They also sponsor institutions to address education, health care and social service needs, with particular concern for direct service to the poor. Approximately 255 Sisters are joined in mission by 198 Associates (lay men and women). Visit the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati website at www.srcharitycinti.org.