In their words: March for Life experience of solidarity and hope for students

Thousands from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati attend the annual March for Life each January in Washington, D.C., marking the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark decision that legalized abortion on demand.
Among the participants are area high school students and their chaperones, who make the journey to the nation’s capital by bus after a prayerful send-off. The 2019 send-off is scheduled for Jan. 17, 7 – 8 p.m. at Good Shepherd Church in Montgomery. Bishop Joseph R. Binzer will preside.
It’s an experience of solidarity and hope for those who take part, as evidenced in these student reflections:
“As a sophomore at Stephen T. Badin High School this isn’t my first March for Life, but it is my first time marching in our nation’s capital. Since I was little, I have always participated in the Butler County March for Life with my parish, Queen of Peace. We would march around the courthouse with signs and praying intentions for each lap around. We would finish with a song and the Lord’s Prayer. It was also great to see all of the churches in Hamilton, of different denominations, come together for this cause. Each year I chose the same sign to carry: “Adoption is the loving option.” My first and strongest feeling about abortion is the role the mother plays. I feel the love of my own mom every day by what she does for me and how she guides me through my life. So how can a mother take the life of her own child? There are options and I want to help communicate those to women who feel trapped, alone, and afraid. I also want to be the voice for that tiny baby who wants so badly to see his or her mom and live the life we all enjoy. I am super excited to go to D.C. in January and be a part of such a life changing event.”
–Isabelle Helton, Stephen T. Badin High School, class of ‘21
“The March for Life is truly the most unique spectacle that I have ever been a part of. If I could describe my two experiences being there in just a few words, I would use the words ‘love,’ ‘hope,’ and ‘diversity.’ “The love I felt at the March in D.C . came in many different forms. From my friends and teachers that I spent the time with, to the heartfelt words of the speakers, to the smiles on the faces of everyone around me. The joy that radiated from the impromptu singing and uplifting chants by young people throughout the March was contagious. If I’ve ever seen love in action, it’s in the hearts and actions of those marching with me down Constitution Avenue. “The mere presence of the countless peaceful warriors assembled together in one of the most powerful cities on earth gave me a renewed hope in the possibility for change. Not just a change in policy or law, but a change of hearts and minds. Without hope, what is the point of any of this? Similarly, without any of this action, there would be no hope. Just as no baby formed in the womb is exactly alike, neither are any two pro-lifers. This was perhaps my most unexpected takeaway from my first March for Life three years ago. There is a misconception out there that pro-lifers are only old, white, Christian, male, red voters. Nothing could be further from the truth. The majority of people I saw were young, God-praising people. There were others holding ‘Atheists Against Abortion’ and ‘Feminists for Life’ signs among the crowd…Jews, Muslims, Latinos, blacks and whites, gay and straight, former Planned Parenthood executives, and those who survived their killing clinics… We are the pro-life generation, and we are here to stay.”
–Vinny Ramundo, Senior Rockets for Life president, Archbishop McNicholas High School, class of ’19.