Francis: Getting to know the new pope

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph
A surveying of media reports concerning the 266th pope shows the former Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio to be a man of humble stature, a man of the people and most of all a man of God.
Here are some of the more interesting stories on the web today to help you get to know the new pope.
1. New style of papacy: Pope Francis pays hotel bill
While there is something to be said for adhering to tradition, the Associated Press reports Pope Francis has shown early indications that he will not change who he is entirely because of his new calling. After being elected pope, Francis opted to ride the bus back to his hotel along with other cardinals, passing on the papal sedan. Later, he picked up his own luggage and paid his hotel bill personally.
2. How a Broken Heart Led a Young Man to Become The Pope
The Atlantic reports that a now 76-year old woman rejected the young Bergoglio when the pair was 12 or 13 years old. Bergoglio reportedly told the girl if she rejected him, he would become a priest. Clearly Pope Francis is a man of his word.
3. U.S. cardinals describe Pope Francis as ideal choice for modern times
In a Catholic News Service story hosted here, a pair of U.S. cardinals insist that Pope Francis is the right man for the Church at this juncture. Saying he lives not only by words, but by personal witness, the U.S. cardinals believe Francis will be a great pope for the universal Church.
4. Il Poverello del Vaticano (The poor one in the Vatican)
My Latin isn’t perfect, so bear with my translation in the parenthesis above. Nonetheless, this blog post from renowned Catholic blog Whispers in the Loggia gives a quick overview of how Pope Francis is leading his pontificate so far, comparing him in some ways to John Paul I.
5. Pope Francis: 1st homily (full text)
What better way to get to know someone than to read their own words. Vatican Radio has provided the full text of Pope Francis’ first homily since his election to the papacy. He hopes that we may all have the courage to walk in the ways of the Lord.
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