Family Activities for June 2013

Staff Report
The pools are open, the Reds play plenty of home games and church festival season is in full swing, but there are also many faith-based activities the family can do together during the month of June.
Visitation May 31
On Friday May 31st we celebrate the Visitation. It’s a time to reflect on that journey in a historical context. Mary, who was with child, took that arduous journey to visit Elizabeth. Read Luke 1: 39-45. Take stock of family members or friends that you haven’t seen awhile and reflect on them. Develop a timeline in the next few months to visit those people. In particular, think of elderly relatives you haven’t visited in a while. Share the joy that Mary and Elizabeth shared at their meeting and reflect on Mary’s Canticle (The Magnificat), Luke 1:46-55 (“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord.”) This summer is a wonderful opportunity to re-connect.
Corpus Christi Sunday
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ feast is Sunday, June 2. Plan to spend some time in prayer at church, or find a benediction or procession in your area. Reflect on the gift of The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Take some time to assess the past few months of Lent and Easter, and commit to continuing the joy of lent and Easter throughout the summer. Have the family reflect on two questions, 1. During Lent, what event affected you the most? and 2. What was your most profound joy of Easter?
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus & Immaculate Heart of Mary June 7th & 8th
Research the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary. On that Friday and Saturday, design prayers to dedicate a fundamental attitude of conversion and reparation, of love and gratitude, apostolic commitment and dedication to Christ and his saving work. Focus on the personal and family consecration and have each member of your family recite prayers of the Sacred Heart.
Father’s Day, June 16
Typical gifts of golf clubs, ties, tools, fishing equipment can be very nice. This Father’s Day design a testimonial for your father and recite that at dinner. Additionally, reflect on your Dad’s life and plan a day with Dad and share with him your profound love for him. Take him to mass at the Cathedral, or perhaps his boyhood parish if possible. Share with him your aspirations and make a day of it.
Adding a retreat to your vacation
Whether the family is traveling or having a ‘staycation’ this summer, each day add a spiritual retreat to your vacation. Begin with Morning Prayer, and the daily reading. If you’re traveling, find a local church and attend a few masses that week. If you’re staying at home, travel to a church you haven’t visited and attend mass. If you’re traveling, take in the landscape and reflect on God’s majesty. At home, look intently at your environment and celebrate God’s gracious gifts. End the day with evening prayer and song.