CT Mass Times listing updated with Christmas schedule & more

Editor’s Note: This post is from 2014. For the 2015 story, click HERE.
Staff Report
Residents of or visitors to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati now have a one-stop shop to find Christmas Mass schedules for nearly every parish in the archdiocese.
Launched in July of 2013, The Catholic Telegraph’s Mass Calendar received a major renovation over the past year with parish Reconciliation times and phone numbers being added. Now just in time for Christmas, The Catholic Telegraph’s listings include the Christmas Mass times for the vast majority of parishes.
Visit the Mass Calendar HERE.
The Mass Times listing is managed by CT Circulation Director Greg Hartman using information from The Catholic Telegraph’s Directory and Buyer’s Guide as well as parish websites. Unlike national Mass listings, this one is managed and maintained locally.
Plans are already in the works to include Easter and Ash Wednesday Mass times as those become available.
“There is a lot of information in various places, but I wanted to have a one-stop source for Mass and Reconciliation times,” Hartman said. “Additionally, Christmas, Ash Wednesday and Easter, times vary from the usual Holy Days of Obligation, so I’m hoping to have that online for our faithful in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.”
Christmas Mass times are listed following a red & green notation. Year-round Confession times are listed following a purple prompt. A simple way to search the listing is to press “Control+F” on a PC or “Command+F” on a Mac, and type the name of the parish you wish to find. The listing is also organized alphabetically.
It is important to note that parishes may change their schedules without informing The Catholic Telegraph so calling the parish office is the best way to confirm a Mass or Confession time. Phone numbers are listed for every church on the calendar.
The Catholic Telegraph has successful Festival and Fish Fry calendars at TheCatholicTelegraph.com each year in addition to the Mass Calendar.
If you have a correction or update to the Mass Times and Confession times listing, please contact Greg Hartman.
Posted Dec. 23, 2014