Xavier University goes the extra mile to connect with students
Cincinnati (OH) – In the wake of the coronavirus, Xavier University has taken extraordinary steps to connect with every Xavier student.
“It became very clear to us that we needed to act swiftly in the best interest of our students and to make resources available for students and their families,” stated Fr. Michael Graham, S.J., Xavier University President.
Xavier University has:
• Created a hotline for students and parents to call for any and all questions. Staffed by University volunteers, the Call Center was activated on Friday, March 13, and while the Call Center itself is now remote, based on CDC guidelines for social distancing, students and parents can still call one number for assistance. (513-745-1010)
• Made personal phone calls to all 4,500 currently enrolled undergraduate students and their families, and may be the only University in the state and nation who seems to have made that happen.
• Built a one-stop website for all things related to the coronavirus with information helpful to students, families, and employees.
• Through our Center for Teaching Excellence, developed enhanced tools and training for our faculty as they move their courses to remote learning.
“This is why Xavier is Xavier,” said Doug Ruschman, Associate Vice President for Communications. “Each day we are connecting with our students via email and social media and sending texts when important information is available online. We’re connecting with parents, too. And while all of that is very important, more than 140 Xavier administrators were activated to call each and every Xavier undergraduate student.”
“One of the reasons that students and families choose Xavier is because of the personal attention they receive. Xavier is blessed to have an outstanding team of committed faculty and staff who want to ensure that every member of our community remains successful. The quick work from our Center for Teaching Excellence and our outstanding faculty allows us to be ready for remote teaching,” Graham shared.
All Xavier courses are slated for remote learning beginning Monday, March 23. Multiple online platforms are being utilized to deliver course content.
In addition, Xavier’s 2,000+ graduate students have been receiving personal communication from their program directors or faculty, and all graduate courses will be moved to remote learning as well for the spring semester.