Concert celebrating the Year of Consecrated Life planned for January

As the Year of Consecrated Life comes to a close the Archdiocese of Cincinnati will be alive with a concert at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains in downtown Cincinnati.
“Wake Up the World! A Concert Celebrating the Year of Consecrated Life,” will take place on Jan. 17 at 3 p.m. More than 120 women and men religious from communities throughout the archdiocese will lend their musical talents to the event.
“I was asked by the provincial and council of St. John the Baptist Province of Franciscan Friars of which I’m a member to consider organizing a concert to mark this special year,” Father Fred Link, pastor of St. Clement Parish in St. Bernard, said. “Through the kindness of Sister Marilyn Kerber, director of the Office of Religious, I made contact with the major superiors of religious communities, inviting them to name one of their members to be part of the planning committee to organize such an event.”
It began with approximately eight members reaching out to their communities for singers and instrumental accompanists. The hour-long concert will feature both traditional and contemporary selections, and will include a narrative crafted by Franciscan Father Dan Anderson. Sister Marilyn will host the event.
The concert will be free and open to the public. Free-will offerings will be accepted. Exhibits by various local religious communities along with a reception with refreshments will follow in the cathedral’s undercroft.
For more information about the Year of Consecrated Life, which runs through Feb. 2, 2016, click HERE.
This article first appeared in the December 2015 print edition of The Catholic Telegraph.