Christ the King Church Dedicates Cross and Crown Atrium

On Sunday, November 25 the Christ the King Parish community gathered together for a momentous occasion: the blessing and dedication of The Cross and Crown Atrium on the Solemnity of Christ the King.
The Most Reverend Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr, Archbishop of Cincinnati, presided at the 5:00 pm Mass and then led a procession into the Atrium for the blessing and dedication. Reverend Edward P. Smith, Reverend Frank Voellmecke, Reverend Robert Obermeyer and the Reverend Mr. Donald Gloeckler were concelebrants. A reception in the Atrium followed.
The Cross and Crown Atrium is a new building linking the church, school and parish center. It is a powerful symbol of unification, knitting the community together in a physical and spiritual sense. The highlight is a large gathering space where parishioners can join in fellowship.
“Our parish’s feast day is a reminder of our 92-year heritage, so it was fitting to bless our newest building on the Feast of Christ the King,” said Reverend Edward Smith. During his homily, Archbishop Schnurr spoke about the establishment of the Solemnity of Christ the King in the year 1925. He said, “When many thought that God should be exiled from the affairs of the world—or at least marginalized to the point where He did not really matter—Pope Pius XI, in establishing this feast day, wished to remind us that Jesus is the world’s true ruler and judge.”
Since the parish’s founding in 1926, Our Lord Christ the King has been home to a vibrant Roman Catholic community. Its parishioners actively serve Mt. Lookout and the surrounding areas through a variety of outreach programs. Cardinal Pacelli, its Blue-Ribbon school, enrolls students from preschool through grade eight. For more information visit