Catholic schools give in Christmas spirit

Catholic school students are always giving back. Here’s a look at three schools in the archdiocese that are getting into the Christmas spirit.
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Christmas reading with the Dominicans
The second grade at St. Gertrude in Madeira held a Christmas Read-A-Thon to provide toys for needy children this Christmas. The students created a gingerbread reading area and spent a day working on their reading with the help of the Dominicans.
The books they read were logged onto a large wall chart and toys and donations were collected throughout the day.
Toys will be donated to the Bethany House in downtown Cincinnati.
McAuley makes the most of Christmas Cupcakes
During the month of December, McAuley students collected money to donate to McAuley’s Guardian Angel Fund, which helps McAuley students in dire financial need.
One way they raised $680 to give to the Guardian Angel Fund was through the Cupcake Project. Under the leadership of seniors Lauren Tebbe and Abbi Hughes, sixteen girls baked and decorated over 340 cupcakes, which were sold during lunch.
The bakers were: Jamie Fehring, Alexis Fehring, Emma Schrand, Anna Thomas, Abby Sander, Kira Staubach, Katlyn Havlin, Megan Emig, Sydney Laug, Kasey Siciliano, Magan Glazier, Ellie Day, Sara Jefferson, Jaclynn Ruberg, Maria Wang, and Lauren Tebbe.
St. Dominic students gather food for needy
The November food drive at St. Dominic School was a huge success. Over 1,500 items were collected. Holiday Food Boxes for 30 families were filled with plenty left over to stock the St. Vincent DePaul Pantry. Money was also collected to provide gift cards to purchase perishable items.