Catholic Charities to host Msgr. East

By Kelly Anchrum
CINCINNATI – Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio is hosting Msgr. Ray East, who will share insights on how people of faith can have meaningful conversations about racism and be more intentional in addressing poverty in their community.
The presentation will begin Sept. 27 at 7:30 a.m., with a breakfast buffet and conclude at 9 a.m. The downtown location is St. Xavier Church Jesuit Center, 607 Sycamore Street. The pastor of St. Teresa of Avila Parish in Washington, D.C., Msgr. East received the Teacher of Peace Award from Pax Christi USA in 2005 and the Jubilate Deo Award from the National Association of Pastoral Musicians in 2010. He has worked in Liturgy, Youth Ministry and Evangelization.
“Msgr. East is an engaging, inspirational speaker. His message is timely given the tensions in our community and the alarming rate of poverty,” Ted Bergh, CEO of Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio, said. “We invited him to Cincinnati because his message is all about sharing God’s mercy with the poor and vulnerable.”
For more information on Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio, visit