Catholic Charities of Southwest Ohio Statement on DACA

Catholic Charities is saddened by today’s actions because we believe all people are made in the image and likeness of God. All people – including migrants – are worthy of our respect and support.
The Catholic Church has been welcoming immigrants to the United States since the nation’s founding and has been integral in helping integrate migrants into American culture. We are a nation of immigrants. Consider more than 40% of America’s largest companies were founded either by immigrants or the children of immigrants. America is a better country due to the contributions of immigrants.
Immigration is about real people who are trying to find a better life and a new beginning. As Pope Francis has stated, “Each migrant has a name, a face, and a story.”
Welcoming migrants is part of the Catholic Social Teaching and reflects the Biblical tradition to welcome the stranger that is embraced by many faiths. We will remain faithful and steadfast in our efforts to welcome the stranger.
About Us
Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio is a United Way Agency Partner that serves the poor, protects the vulnerable and welcomes the stranger regardless of religious background or country of origin. Our mission to enlighten, serve and empower is enabled by the generosity of donors and volunteers. Together, we brought hope to 120,000 people last year. Visit to learn more.