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Our New Priests: Edward Hoffmann

I’m originally from St. Philomena Parish. However, I didn’t grow up Catholic, and came into the Church at Sacred Heart Church in Camp Washington, while I was in college at Xavier University. Having the opportunity to serve on parish internship at St. Columbkille in Wilmington gave me a home there, …
Priest with cancer dies 23 days after his hospital room ordination

by Courtney Mares Rome, Italy, Apr 26, 2021 / 06:40 am America/Denver (CNA). Fr. Livinius Esomchi Nnamani, who was ordained to the priesthood in his hospital room on Holy Thursday with special permission from Pope Francis, has died of leukemia at the age of 31. The young priest’s funeral was …
‘You will be shepherds like him’: Pope Francis ordains nine new priests in St. Peter’s Basilica

CNA Staff, Apr 25, 2021 / 04:25 am America/Denver (CNA). Pope Francis ordained nine men to the priesthood on Sunday, urging them to be shepherds like Christ throughout their priestly lives. In a largely off-the-cuff homily in St. Peter’s Basilica April 25, he told them that they would share in …
Virtual discernment program helps Boston men explore priesthood

by Joe Bukuras Boston, Mass., Apr 16, 2021 / 02:18 am America/Denver (CNA). This past week, the Archdiocese of Boston released its new vocation discernment initiative, Scivias, designed to bring vocational guidance to a COVID-19 online world. “The goal of Scivias is to inspire men to pursues God’s will for …
Hannah Houser Hamilton Native Pursues Religious Vocation and Ministers to the Deaf Community

by Kary Ellen Berger Hannah Houser feels called to live out the Franciscan charism: to live the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. While she is still in discernment on her path to be with the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, she’s not letting any obstacles hinder her progress. Hannah …
A Family of Vocations

Patrick Hickey (1820-1892) Patrick was well known to be honest in his business dealings with railroad companies, active in Catholic charitable works and a quiet, prayerful man who prayed the Rosary while traveling on the train to and from work. Johanna Hickey (1833-1905) Johanna was praised as a humble woman …
Today’s Video: Priest: Have I Thrown My Life Away?

As a friar and priest, I took vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, meaning that there is a lot of things I can’t do in this world. Many would see this as throwing my life away, but I can’t help but see the opposite.
Today’s Video: Real Friar Answers Questions about the Vows

Ever wondered about the vows religious take?
Syracuse bishop revives Ember Days, calls for prayer and fasting for vocations

by Mary Farrow Denver Newsroom, Dec 18, 2020 / 12:01 pm MT (CNA).- In a revival of an historic custom of the Church, Bishop Douglas Lucia of Syracuse has invited Catholics of his diocese to participate in the Ember Days, traditional days of fasting and prayer, for the intention of …
PRECIOUS BLOOD SISTER REFLECTS ON 40 YEARS: Sister Karen Elliot, C.PP.S., Leads a Legacy of Hope Throughout Ohio

by Regan Meyer For Sister Karen Elliott, C.PP.S., everything in her life was pointing towards religious life; it just took God’s hand to give her the final push. Born to a cradle Catholic mother and convert father in Dayton, Sister Elliott spent her childhood attending Masses every Sunday and listening …