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National & World News
Wide-ranging study looks at views of white working-class Americans
September 24, 2012 Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — A majority of white working-class Catholics – 56 percent – think abortion should be legal in all or most cases, according to a survey by the Public Religion Research Institute.
Book makes important contribution to discussion of lay ministries
In the Name of the Church: Vocation and Authorization of Lay Ecclesial Ministry, edited by William Cahoy. Liturgical Press (Collegeville, Minn., 2012). 221 pp., $19.95.
Last Ounce of Courage
NEW YORK — A story with a Christian message is a rare and compelling gem for Catholic viewers in today’s Hollywood culture. At the same time, a film that leads first with a positive message, and merely tacks the story on as an afterthought, is one set to leave even …
Biblical parallels in comic books? It’s more than just good vs. evil
NEW YORK — The first story sounds as old as the Book of Exodus: A mother and father, fearing his annihilation by a sinister force, place their newborn son in a vessel they hope will transport him to safety. Adopted by a completely different family, he grows up to deliver …
Local photographer shares ‘messages of glory’ in new book
May 31, 2012 By Natalie Corzine Moore Photographer Robert Flischel wants local Catholics to join him on a “Pilgrimage of Light.”
Local priest pens murder mystery
As a priest, Father Michael Hay is concerned with eternal mysteries. But as a fiction writer, he trained his sights on a mystery of a more mundane kind — an old-fashioned murder puzzle, British style.