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National & World News
Common Core: Catholic school community gives standards mixed grade

Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — The Common Core State Standards — expectations for students to master in each grade level — have a love/hate/ambivalent relationship with the American public. The state-led initiative — adopted by 45 states and the District of Columbia — has been embraced by many educators, viewed …
The tale behind symbol of light when Pope Benedict visited ground zero

By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — When Pope Benedict XVI visited ground zero in 2008, he knelt alone and prayed inside the cement-walled crater where the World Trade Center once stood. As a sign of bringing light and hope to the dark memory of 9/11, the pope …
Bishops’ Administrative Committee Calls for peace, serious negotiations, humanitarian assistance in Syria

USCCB Release WASHINGTON — The Administrative Committee of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), of which Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr is a member, issued an urgent call for a political solution to the crisis in Syria. The bishops issued the statement on the first day of their …
Thousands flocked to Rome armed with power of prayer in fight for peace

By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — For the thousands of people who turned out for a solemn vigil in St. Peter’s Square, the power of prayer and hopes for peace are still mightier than the world’s weapons and wars. “Instead of using hatred, we are using prayer …
Archbishop Schnurr urges participation in day of prayer for peace

Staff Report Heeding Pope Francis’ call, Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr released a statement Wednesday expressing hope that Catholics under his jurisdiction will participate in the pope’s day of fasting and prayer for peace concerning the conflict in Syria.
Pope to lead Vatican prayer vigil for peace in Syria

By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — On the evening of Sept. 7, days before U.S. lawmakers vote on President Barack Obama’s proposal for a military attack on Syria, Pope Francis will lead thousands in St. Peter’s Square in a prayer vigil for peace. “We will gather …
Book Review: ‘Holy Goals’ a great gift for young athletes
September 2013 If you were a resident of the Diocese of Springfield, Ill., you would be used to a rather unique sight. Your bishop, in that case, would be The Most Reverend Thomas J. Paprocki, and it wouldn’t seem strange to you to see him wearing full hockey goalie gear, …
At Washington interfaith service, calls made to continue search for justice
By Richard Szczepanowski Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) —Recalling the words of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl of Washington urged people to join hands and walk together, and not alone, for justice during an interfaith prayer service marking the 50th anniversary of the civil rights …
Campus ministry ready to help college-bound youth make faith connection

By Laura Dodson Catholic News Service MELBOURNE, Fla. (CNS) — As students arrive on campuses around the country this fall to embark on their college career, many also will experience adult independence for the first time.
Vatican orders slight change in text for baptism

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — To emphasis that the sacrament of baptism formally brings a person into the church of God and not just into a local Christian community, the Vatican has ordered a slight change of wording in the baptismal rite.