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National & World News
Patriarch decries ‘mass cleansing’ of Mosul by ‘a bed of criminals’
By Mark Pattison Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — Syriac Patriarch Ignace Joseph III Younan, in Washington to meet with federal government representatives and members of Congress, decried the “mass cleansing” of Christians from Mosul, Iraq, by what he called “a bed of criminals.”
Cafeteria Catholic? Pope eats in Vatican cafeteria for Friday fish menu
By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Taking the chef completely by surprise, Pope Francis unexpectedly showed up to eat with the Vatican’s blue collar workers at their cafeteria in the tiny city-state’s “industrial park.”
Confirmed: Pope Francis to visit United States

By Nancy Wiechec Catholic News Service UPDATE: Despite Chaput’s confirmation, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia published the following tweet on July 25. No official confirmation from Vatican re: @Pontifex attending #WMF2015 +Chaput remarks raise hope Pope will join — Archdiocese Phila. (@ArchPhilly) July 25, 2014 FARGO, N.D. — …
Obama administration says it plans opt-out alternative on mandate
By Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — The Obama administration has filed a brief with the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver indicating it plans to develop an alternative for Catholic and other religious nonprofit employers to opt out of providing federally mandated contraceptives they object to including in …
Mayor says it would be ‘extraordinary moment’ if pope visited New York
By Catholic News Service NEW YORK — New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said it would be an “extraordinary moment for our city and an extraordinary honor” if Pope Francis visited the Big Apple in September 2015, when the World Meeting of Families takes place in Philadelphia.
Vatican revising canon law on abuse penalties
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Church law has procedures and penalties for effectively dealing with allegations of clerical sexual abuse, but the Vatican is working to revise a section of the Code of Canon Law to make those norms and procedures clearer and, therefore, more effective, …
Votes fall short to move Senate bill forward in response to Hobby Lobby
By Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — The U.S. Senate July 16 voted to block consideration of a bill aimed at reversing the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby and forcing businesses to provide contraceptive coverage for employees even if they object to it on religious grounds.
Ohio muralist says inspiration of Holy Spirit drives her creativity
By Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service SYLVANIA, Ohio — Looking over her latest work, Sister Jane Mary Sorosiak picked up a piece of hardened clay depicting the face of St. Joseph and began touching up pinkish tones of glaze that will transform into a glossy flesh-colored finish once fired and …
Senior Anglican leaders support assisted suicide as Lords debate nears
By Simon Caldwell Catholic News Service MANCHESTER — Senior Anglican leaders have voiced their support for assisted suicide just days before a crucial debate on the subject in the British Parliament.
Women bishops approved by Church of England vote; move seen as ecumenical snag

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — The General Synod of the Church of England voted July 14 to authorize the ordination of women as bishops and approved motions pledging to respect and work with people who believe that, theologically, the vote was a mistake. Before the vote, …