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National & World News
On 30th anniversary, Project Rachel looks to a global future
By Kate Veik CNA/EWTN News Milwaukee, Wis. — After 30 years of providing post-abortion healing and support across the United States, Project Rachel is hoping to take its ministry abroad. “The aftermath of abortion is a universal phenomenon,” founder Vicki Thorn said in a recent interview with CNA. “The symptoms …
Pope calls for unity among Paraguay’s Catholics as he dismisses bishop
By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — After a Vatican investigation, Pope Francis removed a Paraguayan bishop from his post as head of the Diocese of Ciudad del Este because of “serious pastoral reasons.” Bishop Rogelio Livieres Plano, 69, was told to step down as head of the …
Vatican puts former nuncio accused of sex abuse under house arrest
By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — The Vatican has placed a laicized papal ambassador under house arrest as he awaits a criminal trial for sexually abusing young boys. Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, released a statement Sept. 23 regarding the case of former Archbishop …
US bishops invite faithful to pray for family synod
CNA/EWTN News WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. bishops have asked Catholics to take part in a worldwide day of prayer on Sept. 28 for the upcoming Synod of Bishops on the Family. “The Extraordinary Synod on the Family is an important moment for the Church and for families,” Archbishop Joseph …
Studies confirm religion increases longevity, and marriage does too
By Nancy Frazier O’Brien Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — Study after study has confirmed that those who are involved in religion and those who are married are healthier, physically and mentally happier and live longer than those who are not. “The health benefits of marriage are so strong that a …
Vatican announces commission to streamline marriage process

CNA/EWTN News Pope Francis will establish a commission to review the matrimonial process in canon law with the goal of simplifying the procedure while maintaining the indissolubility of marriage, the Holy See Press Office announced Saturday. According to Vatican Radio, the decision was made on Aug. 2 of this year …
Cupich tapped to succeed Cardinal George as Archbishop of Chicago

By Kevin Jones CNA/EWTN News Chicago’s Archbishop-designate Blase Cupich introduced himself to his new city on Saturday, downplaying political interpretations of his appointment and stressing the need to be attentive to God’s voice.
Cardinal O’Malley: Congress must remedy taxpayer abortion funding

By Adelaide Mena & Matt Hadro Catholic News Agency WASHINGTON, D.C. — The head of the U.S. bishops’ pro-life committee has renewed a call for Congressional action after a new report verified the bishops’ repeated warnings of taxpayer-funded abortion in the Affordable Care Act. “This report confirms the U.S. bishops’ …
Doctrinal wars? Both sides fire over Communion for divorced, remarried
By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — The extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the family will not open until Oct. 5, but some of its most prominent members are already publicly debating what is bound to be one of its most controversial topics: the eligibility of divorced …