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National & World News
Speakers tell pope, synod that parishes should welcome same-sex couples
By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — A married couple told Pope Francis and the Synod of Bishops on the family that Catholic parishes should welcome same-sex couples, following the example of parents who invite their son and his male partner to their home for Christmas. “The …
New rules to opt out of HHS mandate still unsatisfactory, says USCCB
By Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Oct. 8 urged the federal government “to reconsider” its new rules to allow religious institutions — and potentially some for-profit companies — to opt out of the contraceptive mandate in the Affordable Care Act. On Aug. 22, the …
U.S. couple at synod calls for ‘robust, creative’ family programs
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Existing diocesan programs and Catholic organizations aimed at helping Catholic families fulfill their vocation clearly are not strong enough to meet modern needs, a Wisconsin couple told the Synod of Bishops. “We must develop more robust and creative methods to share …
Family needed today as much as ever, synod official emphasizes
By Andrea Gagliarducci The Catholic Telegraph VATICAN CITY — The family is not an outdated model, and Catholics should defend it from the sins that call into question and often destroy the traditional family, the general rapporteur of the Synod of Bishops said Monday. Cardinal Peter Erdo of Esztergom-Budapest presented …
The Synod on the Family: a look beyond the media hype
By Ann Schneible CNA/EWTN News VATICAN CITY — As the media centers upon the question of whether the Church will change its teaching regarding reception of the Eucharist by those living in complex situations, there is a danger that many of the other, no less significant, issues may be falling …
Cardinal Burke: Synod should take Communion proposal ‘off the table’
By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — The highest ranking U.S. bishop at the Vatican says this month’s Synod of Bishops on the family should mark the end of a high-level debate over whether to make it easier for divorced and civilly remarried Catholics to receive Communion. …
Evidence collected for Father Tolton’s sainthood cause heads to Vatican
By Michelle Martin Catholic News Service CHICAGO — With prayers, songs and sealing wax, Cardinal Francis E. George of Chicago formally closed the investigation into the life and virtues of Father Augustus Tolton Sept. 29 in a ceremony in the St. James Chapel at the Archbishop Quigley Center. The prayer …
First woman appointed to a Vatican congregation joyful
By Andrea Gagliarducci CNA/EWTN News VATICAN CITY — The first woman ever to be appointed a member of a Vatican congregation explains that “women still have much to give to the Church with their personal charisma.” Sister Luzia Premoli, superior general of the Combonian Missionary Sisters, was appointed a member …
Pope Francis: Satan seduces by disguising evil as good
By Elise Harris CNA/EWTN News VATICAN CITY — On Monday’s feast of the archangels Pope Francis spoke of the ongoing battle between the devil and mankind, encouraging attendees to pray to the angels, who have been charged to defend us. “He presents things as if they were good, but his …
Pew looks at perceptions of discrimination against people of faith

By Patricia Zapor Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — People of various religious groups tend to think followers of their faith are more apt to face discrimination than the general public thinks, but majorities of all backgrounds agree that Muslims, gays/lesbians, blacks and Hispanics face discrimination. According to a Pew Research …