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National & World News
Synod working groups emphasize beauty of marriage, church teaching
By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — The extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the family must put greater focus on the beauty of the Christian vision of marriage and not let an approach of “welcoming” and mercy override the church’s duty to call people to turn away from …
African cardinal: Pressure groups behind push to change Church teaching

CNA/EWTN News VATICAN — Innacurate media reports about Church teaching on homosexuality published after the synod’s midterm relatio are an attempt to pressure the Church to change its perennial teaching, a cardinal who is also a synod father has affirmed. Cardinal Robert Sarah, president of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, …
Anglican, Lutheran delegates say synod’s concerns are theirs, too
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Upholding the Christian ideal of marriage and family life while also reaching out to those whose lives do not reflect that ideal is a pastoral challenge faced by all Christian communities, said the Anglican representative to the Synod of Bishops. Anglican …
How an incorrect translation of the synod report created chaos

CNA/EWTN News VATICAN CITY — An incorrect translation into English of the original midterm report of the Synod on the Family may have spurred controversial interpretations of the document itself. The document’s original version was written in Italian, which Pope Francis directed to be used as the official language of …
Texas nurse with Ebola supported by prayers from her home parish
By Catholic News Service DALLAS — During an Oct. 13 Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Fort Worth, the pastor, Father Jim Khoi asked for prayers for Nina Pham, a Dallas nurse who grew up in the parish and is now in the news as the first person …
Family synod midterm report stirs controversy among bishops

By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — The official midterm report from the Synod of Bishops, which uses strikingly conciliatory language toward divorced and remarried Catholics, cohabitating couples and same-sex unions, has proven highly controversial inside and outside the synod hall, with some synod fathers saying it …
Synod interim report: the Church can renew commitment to family

CNA/EWTN News VATICAN CITY — The approach to irregular unions must start from positive aspects, and stable couples should be accompanied in a development toward the sacrament of marriage, the Synod of Bishops said in a midterm report issued Monday. “We have gathered together the results of our reflections and …
Who leads the fight against gay discrimination in Nigeria? The Catholic Church
By Ann Schneible CNA/EWTN News The Catholic Church in Nigeria has been at the forefront in fighting discrimination towards persons with same-sex attraction, says Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama of Jos, who adds that media coverage of the Church has been imbalanced. In one of the strongest statements made about homosexuality during …
Synod fathers ask: Does church need to watch language?

By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — In official reports of the closed-door talks at the Synod of Bishops on the family, an emerging theme has been the call for a new kind of language more appropriate for pastoral care today. “Language appeared many, many times,” Basilian …
Pope before synod: Listen to ‘beat’ of the times, keep eyes on Christ

By Elise Harris CNA/EWTN News VATICAN CITY — In a prayer vigil set before the opening of the synod of bishops, Pope Francis said we must be attentive to the signs of the times to see the needs of the family by listening, being open and looking to the Lord. …