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National & World News
New survey shows millennials’ attitudes about contraception, abortion
By Carol Zimmermann Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — U.S. millennials, born between 1980 and 2000, don’t want to be pigeonholed into categories. They are predominantly religiously unaffiliated and not identified by any political party. They are more ethnically and racially diverse than the general population. This group of 18- to …
Pope Francis to visit White House Sept. 23
CNA/EWTN News U.S. officials has confirmed that Pope Francis will make a stop at the White House to meet with President Barack Obama on Sept. 23, during his trip to the United States for the World Meeting of Families. “The President and the First Lady will welcome His Holiness Pope …
Pope Francis on the family synod: ‘We need prayers, not gossip’
By Elise Harris CNA/EWTN News During his weekly general audience Pope Francis spoke about the gift and call of the Christian family, and urged attendees to pray for the intentions of the upcoming Synod of Bishops on the family. “The Church needs a prayer full of love for the family …
Vatican statistics show modest, steady church growth worldwide
By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — The number of Catholics in the world and the number of priests and permanent deacons rose slightly in 2013, while the number of men and women in religious orders declined, according to Vatican statistics. For the second year in a row, …
Blood of Naples’ patron liquefies during pope’s visit to cathedral
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — At the end of Pope Francis’ spontaneity-filled meeting with priests, seminarians and religious in the cathedral of Naples, the vial of dried blood of the city’s patron saint appeared to miraculously liquefy. After Pope Francis blessed the congregation with the reliquary …
Despite low Catholic marriage numbers, some see trend turning around
By Nate Madden Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — The number of Catholic marriages in the United States is at its lowest point since 1965. Georgetown University’s Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate keeps records of Catholic Church statistics going back to 1965, tracking such things as the total number …
Pope asks people walk Way of Cross to find Christ’s light, Jesuit says
By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis shows people that only by walking the Way of the Cross can they discover the “Way of the Light” — the glory of God resurrected and the salvation of mankind, said the Jesuit editor of a new book. …
Archbishop urges youth at congress to do deeds of love, mercy every day
By Catholic News Service ANAHEIM, Calif. — Los Angeles Archbishop Jose H. Gomez advised young Catholics to do three things: talk to Jesus, read the Gospels, and do deeds of love and mercy every day. “The work of Jesus’ words continues through you and though me,” the archbishop said …
In Holy Year, pope wants to share experience of mercy he had as teen
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis’ decision to convoke a special Holy Year of Mercy has its roots in the event that led a teen-age Jorge Mario Bergoglio to the priesthood. Pope Francis has recounted the story several times in the past two years. …