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National & World News

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — In every relationship, including one’s relationship with Jesus, it is important to remember that “first encounter,” that initial, life-changing moment of love, Pope Francis said. Celebrating Mass April 24 in the chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae, Pope Francis used the …

By Joyce Duriga Catholic News Service CHICAGO — Alfredo Fricano is probably one of the only people who could get away with telling Cardinal Francis E. George he looked like a “bum.” Once the cardinal’s longtime barber — who his clients just call Alfredo — saw him on TV and …

By Catholic News Service  WASHINGTON— Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Bishop Lawrence E. Brandt of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, and appointed as his successor Father Edward C. Malesic, judicial vicar of the Diocese of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Just one day prior, the Holy Father accepted the resignation of Bishop David E. …

By Catholic News Service  VATICAN CITY — Marking the celebration of Earth Day, Pope Francis asked that everyone recognize the earth as God’s gift to protect and cultivate, sharing the world’s natural resources. May the way people treat the earth “not be guided by greed, manipulation and exploitation, but rather …

CNA A communications official with Catholic Relief Services said that the organization is aware that one of their vice presidential employees is in a same-sex civil marriage, and is in deliberations about it. “Rick Estridge has served CRS for 16 years and currently holds the position as our vice president …

By Alan Holdren CNA/EWTN News A Nigerian bishop says that he has seen Christ in a vision and now knows that the rosary is the key to ridding the country of the Islamist terrorist organization Boko Haram. Bishop Oliver Dashe Doeme says he is being driven by a God-given mandate …

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service  VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Bishop Robert W. Finn of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Missouri, who was convicted in 2012 on one misdemeanor count of failing to report suspected child abuse. The Vatican announced the bishop’s resignation April 21, specifying …

CNA/EWTN News Bishop Robert McElroy, the new head of the San Diego diocese, has criticized a proposal to remove the statue of pioneering California missionary and soon-to-be saint Father Junipero Serra from the U.S. Capitol.

CNA/EWTN News Cardinal Francis George, the Emeritus Archbishop of Chicago, passed away Friday, according to the Chicago Tribune. The 78-year-old cardinal was first diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2006 and underwent a five-hour surgery to remove his bladder and other parts of his body affected by cancer. In 2012, his …

CNA/EWTN News The hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls abducted a year ago by the group Boko Haram deserve a major, sustained rescue effort, says a Nigerian lawyer who urges far more global attention for the wider crisis in the country. “Every day of captivity for these girls is a dark day …