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VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis’ document on the family reflects an “organic development” of church teaching and doctrine, said Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schonborn, theologian and participant in both synods that dealt with the topic. “There are true innovations, but no break” in tradition, the cardinal told reporters during a …

IMAGE: CNS/Paul Haring By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The same mercy and patience that are essential for building a strong family must be shown to those whose families are in trouble or have broken up, Pope Francis said in his highly anticipated postsynodal apostolic exhortation. The document, “‘Amoris …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Anto Akkara By Anto Akkara RAMAPURAM, India (CNS) — The Indian government might have dispelled rumors of the Good Friday crucifixion of kidnapped Salesian Father Thomas Uzhunnalil, but Mathew Uzhunnalil still worries. “I am waiting for clear good news. Until then, I will stay at home,” Mathew Uzhunnalil, …

IMAGE: CNS/ photo/courtesy NASA By Dennis Sadowski WASHINGTON (CNS) — On the International Space Station there’s a place, while filled with robotic equipment, where astronauts like to hang out. Called the Cupola, the small module has seven large bay windows that give crew members a panoramic view of Earth. On …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Marko Djurica, Reuters By Carol Glatz VATICAN CITY (CNS) — In an effort to highlight the dramatic situation of refugees left in limbo on the Greek island of Lesbos, Pope Francis and other Christian leaders will meet with the migrants April 16. “Naturally, the pope wants to be …

IMAGE: CNS/Paul Haring By Carol Glatz VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Jesus brought humanity God’s merciful, saving love, not hatred and animosity, Pope Francis said. “Jesus makes visible a love open to everyone — nobody excluded — open to everyone without bounds,” he said at his weekly general audience in St. …

IMAGE: CNS photo/SANA via Reuters By Gaby Maniscalco VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The relics of Syrian St. Elian, which originally were thought to have been destroyed by members of the so-called Islamic State militia, have been found amid the rubble of the desecrated Mar Elian Church in Qaryatain, Syria. The …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Tyler Orsburn By Carol Zimmermann WASHINGTON (CNS) — When Kris Jenkins got the ball with the score tied in the final seconds of the NCAA men’s basketball championship game April 4, his former high school coach had no doubt that the Villanova junior would make the shot. The …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Oscar Rivera, EPA By Ezra Fieser SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic (CNS) — Heroin and painkillers plague the streets of U.S. cities and small towns. Mexican drug cartels have turned swaths of that country into battle zones. In South Africa, young people are getting hooked on a drug made …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Jim Lo Scalzo, EPA By Dennis Sadowski WASHINGTON (CNS) — Citing a moral obligation to care for the natural world and all inhabitants of the earth, 30 Catholic and faith-based institutions filed an amicus brief with a federal appeals court in support of the Clean Power Plan. The …