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IMAGE: CNS photo/Narong Sangnak, EPA By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Celebrating the feast of the Assumption just three days after visiting a group of young women rescued from the sex trade, Pope Francis prayed for all exploited women and girls. “The Lord bows down to the lowly in …

IMAGE: CNS/Alex Brandon By Rhina Guidos WASHINGTON (CNS) — On the Aug. 6 feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Auxiliary Bishop Mario E. Dorsonville of Washington addressed a crowd of largely Salvadoran immigrants at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. They were there to mark …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Bryan Woolston, Reuters By BALTIMORE (CNS) — The same day a federal Department of Justice report cataloging systemic abuses by Baltimore’s police was issued, Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore called that report “sobering and distressing.” “The report is an affirmation of those in our community who have …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Tyler Orsburn By Carol Zimmermann WASHINGTON (CNS) — In the presidential election campaign, both major-party candidates have talked about the rising costs of college and the debt that graduates face because of student loans. Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, has spoken out against federal student loans saying …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Caroline Blumberg, EPA By LOURDES, France (CNS) — French police and military officials have launched a special security operation for the country’s national pilgrimage to Lourdes, following the killing of a Catholic parish priest in a spate of terrorist attacks. Up to 30,000 Catholics are expected to join …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Mike Blake, Reuters By RIO DE JANEIRO (CNS) — U.S. Olympic gymnast and gold medalist Simone Biles says when she travels, she sometimes takes with her a statue of St. Sebastian, the patron saint of athletes, and she also carries a rosary her mother gave her. Biles, who …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Theresa Orozco, St. Louis Review) By Joseph Kenny ST. LOUIS (CNS) — Bishop Edward K. Braxton of Belleville, Illinois, said his background is as an academic, with writings on theological and pastoral topics, and not as an expert in a field related to racial matters. But he has …

IMAGE: CNS photo/courtesy ITU via Catholic Review By Paul McMullen BALTIMORE (CNS) — World-class triathlete Katie Hursey Zaferes travels with a custom bicycle and enough workout gear to outfit an entire aerobics class. How does she lighten her load? With liberal doses of faith and family. When Zaferes, 27, competes …

IMAGE: CNS photo/L’Osservatore Romano via Reuters By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) — At a luncheon that was part reunion and part progress report, Pope Francis invited 21 Syrian refugees to join him at the Vatican Aug. 11. The pope’s lunch guests included the 12 refugees — three married couples …

IMAGE: CNS photo/L’Osservatore Romano via Reuters By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The Apostolic Penitentiary has nothing to do with a jail cell and everything to do with ensuring repentant sinners experience God’s mercy. Established in the 12th century when penitential pilgrimages to Rome began to bring thousands of …