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By Cindy Wooden ROME (CNS) — When it comes to the Christian life, too many seminaries teach students a rigid list of rules that make it difficult or impossible for them as priests to respond to the real-life situation of those who come to them seeking guidance, Pope Francis said. …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Joshua Roberts, Reuters By Ann Rodgers PITTSBURGH (CNS) — The Pittsburgh Diocese said Bishop David A. Zubik is making every effort to achieve a swift negotiated solution to the diocese’s dispute with the federal government over religious freedom in relation to the federal contraceptive mandate, as directed by …

IMAGE: CNS/Paul Haring By Michael Kelly DUBLIN (CNS) — The trustees of Ireland’s national seminary have agreed to bring in a specific policy to protect whistleblowers after serious allegations were made about life in the college. The Aug. 23 announcement also followed a decision by Dublin Archbishop Diarmuid Martin to …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Ed Wilkinson, The Tablet By Chaz Muth WASHINGTON (CNS) — The gray robes worn by the Conventual Franciscan friars may not be fashionable in the Williamsburg/Greenpoint neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, but the religious men appear to be fitting in just fine in the heart of “hipster” country. …

IMAGE: CNS photo/CJ Gunther, EPA By Mark Pattison WASHINGTON (CNS) — Today’s “economic and political forces have led to increasingly lowered economic prospects for Americans without access to higher education, which is having a direct impact on family health and stability,” said Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski of Miami. He made …

By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation on the family is an example of the “ordinary magisterium” — papal teaching — to which Catholics are obliged to give “religious submission of will and intellect,” said an article in the Vatican newspaper. Father Salvador Pie-Ninot, a well-known …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Barbara Fraser By Barbara J. Fraser JAMA, Ecuador (CNS) — Ask Jose Santos about the earthquake that struck the northern coast of Ecuador in April and he paints a vivid picture. “The ground moved like waves on the ocean,” he recalls, while a pall of sulfurous-smelling haze rose …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Robert Duncan By Cindy Wooden ROME (CNS) — In the chapel of the first house Blessed Teresa of Kolkata established in Rome, Father Brian Kolodiejchuk of the Missionaries of Charity talks about her life, mixing the concrete and even mundane with the spiritual and even mystical. “She was very …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Giorgio Onorati, EPA By Junno Arocho Esteves VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The “narrow gate” to salvation described by Jesus isn’t narrow because God is oppressive, but because pride bloats Christians and prevents them from entering God’s merciful embrace, Pope Francis said. Christians “must seize the opportunities of salvation” …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Aprille Hanson, Arkansas Catholic By Malea Hargett LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (CNS) — As the first week of school began at Catholic High School in Little Rock, a sign placed on the school office door is being discussed by national radio hosts, the media and parents. The boys school …