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National & World News

IMAGE: CNS/Jonathan Ernst, Reuters By Carol Zimmermann WASHINGTON (CNS) — The expression “in like a lion out like a lamb” turns on its head when comparing the end of the Supreme Court’s last term to the start of its new one Oct. 3. The end of the court’s last term …

By Kelly Seegers WASHINGTON (CNS) — As Pope Francis boarded the plane after his visit to Washington a year ago, he carried with him a book containing more than 100,000 pledges that people in the Archdiocese of Washington had made to “Walk With Francis” by either praying, serving or acting …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Jason Miczek, Reuters By Patricia L. Guilfoyle CHARLOTTE, N.C. (CNS) — After two nights of violence in Charlotte, Bishop Peter J. Jugis called on men, women and children in the Diocese of Charlotte to join him in prayers for “peace and justice” for all victims of violence and …

IMAGE: CNS/Paul Haring By Junno Arocho Esteves VATICAN CITY (CNS) — In an effort to ensure transparency as well as historical and scientific accuracy, Pope Francis has approved revised norms for the Congregation for Saints’ Causes regarding medical consultations on healings alleged to be miracles. Among the regulations published by …

IMAGE: CNS photo/courtesy Bright Stars By Rhina Guidos WASHINGTON (CNS) — When he was a child, Bassem Hazboun loved helping his mother prepare French delicacies in their Bethlehem kitchen. But it was his father who kept trying to steer him to study engineering as he reached his teens. “You don’t …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Diocese of Newark By TOTOWA, N.J. (CNS) — Retired Archbishop Peter L. Gerety of Newark died Sept. 20 while in the care of the Little Sisters of the Poor at the order’s elder-care facility in Totowa. He was 104. According to a remembrance of Archbishop Gerety posted Sept. …

By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis has proven to be a master of metaphor and, as fall approached, he increasingly turned to the field of medicine to make his points. Of course, probably his most famous medical metaphor is his repeated description of the church today as …

By WASHINGTON (CNS) — The findings of a recent Georgetown University study on how Catholics regard Muslims show an “urgent need” to “cultivate positive dialogue” not just among Catholics and Muslims, but with other faith traditions as well, according to Archbishop Blase J. Cupich of Chicago. “Experience has shown that …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Remo Casilli, Reuters By Carol Glatz VATICAN CITY (CNS) — God wants people to be merciful, which means forgiving others and giving freely with love, Pope Francis said. “We don’t have the power to condemn our brother who makes a mistake, we are not above him. Rather we …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Tyler Orsburn By WASHINGTON (CNS) — A group of Catholic scholars Sept. 20 reaffirmed the Catholic Church’s teaching on “the gift of sexuality” and its long-standing prohibition on artificial birth control as outlined in “Humanae Vitae,” Blessed Paul VI’s 1968 encyclical. In a statement released in Washington, they rejected …