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IMAGE: CNS photo/Jose Aguirre, Walk for Life West Coast By Valerie Schmalz SAN FRANCISCO (CNS) — Despite the last-minute scheduling of a large Women’s March less than two hours after the 13th annual Walk for Life West Coast, tens of thousands of pro-life supporters filled Civic Center Plaza and walked …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Kevin Lamarque, Reuters By Mark Pattison WASHINGTON (CNS) — President Donald J. Trump issued an executive order Jan. 23 reinstating the “Mexico City Policy,” which bans all foreign nongovernmental organizations receiving U.S. funds from performing or promoting abortion as a method of family planning in other countries. The …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Kevin Lamarque, Reuters By Mark Pattison WASHINGTON (CNS) — President Donald J. Trump issued an executive memorandum Jan. 23 reinstating the “Mexico City Policy,” which bans all foreign nongovernmental organizations receiving U.S. funds from performing or promoting abortion as a method of family planning in other countries. The …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Bob Roller By Julie Asher WASHINGTON (CNS) — College senior Colleen McCrum stood with fellow pro-lifers in front of the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court early Jan. 21 holding a sign that said, “PROLIFE, PROWOMAN, PROTRUMP.” McCrum, 21, who attends Christendom College, a Catholic school in Front …

IMAGE: CNS/Paul Haring By Carol Glatz VATICAN CITY (CNS) — In an effort to share its masterpieces with even more people around the world, the Vatican Museums has established a YouTube channel and revamped its website to offer high-resolution images and mobile-friendly information. The “Musei Vaticani” YouTube channel lists short …

By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) — As President Donald Trump was being sworn in, Pope Francis told an interviewer it would be “reckless” to pass judgment on the new president before he had a chance to do anything. “We must wait and see,” the pope told two reporters from …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Carlos Barria, Reuters By Mark Pattison WASHINGTON (CNS) — President Donald J. Trump told the nation in his inaugural address that it need not fear in the days ahead. “There should not be fear,” Trump said Jan. 20. “We are protected and we will always be protected. We …

By WASHINGTON (CNS) — The U.S. bishops’ nationwide “9 Days for Life” campaign is “a great way to put our faith into action,” said Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities. He made the comments in a video …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Carlos Barria, Reuters By VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis sent best wishes and prayers to incoming President Donald J. Trump shortly after he took the oath of office. “I offer you my cordial good wishes and the assurance of my prayers that almighty God will grant you …

IMAGE: CNS/L’Osservatore Romano By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Telling the bishops of Ireland that he wanted to hear their questions, concerns and even criticisms, Pope Francis spent almost two hours in conversation with them. In the continuing evolution of the “ad limina” visits bishops are required to make …