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No church for old men: Cardinals called to be grandfathers, pope says
IMAGE: CNS/L’Osservatore Romano By Cindy Wooden VATICAN LETTER (CNS) — The Catholic Church is not a “gerontocracy” ruled by old men, 80-year-old Pope Francis said; “we aren’t old men, we are grandfathers.” “We are grandfathers called to dream and to give our dreams to the young people of today. They …
Bishops: Loss of affordable health care under GOP plan ‘simply unacceptable’
By Julie Asher WASHINGTON (CNS) — The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, in its analysis of the Senate health care bill, said late June 26 the measure would leave 22 million more people without insurance. “This moment cannot pass without comment,” said Bishop Frank J. Dewane of Venice, Florida, chairman of …
Supreme Court will hear travel ban, allow some limits on immigration
IMAGE: CNS photo/Yuri Gripas, Reuters By Rhina Guidos WASHINGTON (CNS) — The Supreme Court of the United States said that this fall it will hear a case involving President Donald Trump’s travel ban, which seeks to delay entry into the country by immigrants from six majority-Muslim countries and one that …
Court says church school can’t be barred from state funds for playground
IMAGE: CNS photo/Yuri Gripas, Reuters By Carol Zimmermann WASHINGTON (CNS) — In a 7-2 decision, the Supreme Court June 26 said a Lutheran preschool should not be excluded from a state grant program to refurbish its playground surface just because it is a religious entity. “The exclusion of Trinity Lutheran …
Vatican calls on China to let bishop exercise his ministry
IMAGE: CNS/Nancy Wiechec By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The Vatican expressed “grave concern” over the situation of a bishop in mainland China who has been in government custody for almost 10 months and moved repeatedly in an apparent attempt to prevent him from assuming leadership of his diocese. …
Caring for the ill is priceless gift for society, pope says
IMAGE: CNS/L’Osservatore Romano By Carol Glatz VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Cancer prevention programs and campaigns need to reach everyone, Pope Francis said. “Spreading a culture of life — made up of attitudes and behaviors — is greatly needed, a true culture (that is) of the people, serious, accessible to everyone …
Circle of Protection mobilizes to change nation’s budget priorities
IMAGE: CNS photo/Tyler Orsburn By Dennis Sadowski WASHINGTON (CNS) — Christian faith leaders pledged anew to build a “circle of protection” around vital social programs identified for deep spending cuts under President Donald Trump’s fiscal year 2018 budget, saying their action is consistent with biblical principles. Coming together during a …
Vatican announces pope will attend reconciliation events in Colombia
IMAGE: CNS photo/Leonardo Munoz, EPA By Rhina Guidos WASHINGTON (CNS) — Days after rebels in Colombia announced turning in the last of their cache of weapons over to international observers, the Vatican announced June 23 details of Pope Francis’ September trip to the war-torn South American country. The pope is …
Bishop: ‘Fundamental defects’ persist in Senate’s version of health bill
IMAGE: CNS photo/Shawn Thew, EPA By Mark Pattison WASHINGTON (CNS) — The Senate’s Better Care Reconciliation Act contains “many of the fundamental defects” that appeared in the House-passed American Health Care Act “and even further compounds them,” said the bishop who heads the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Domestic Justice and …
Venezuela risks becoming Caribbean ‘North Korea,’ former leaders say
IMAGE: CNS photo/Miguel Gutierrez, EPA By Junno Arocho Esteves VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Two former Latin American presidents said the world is running out of time to find a solution to the crisis in Venezuela as President Nicolas Maduro aims to consolidate power over the country. Despite widespread protests, Maduro’s …