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National & World News
Pope Francis, Jerusalem patriarch react to violence between Israel and Hamas

By Hannah Brockhaus Rome Newsroom, Oct 8, 2023 / 08:45 am Pope Francis and the Latin patriarch of Jerusalem have responded to the sudden outbreak of conflict in Israel and Palestine over the weekend. The pope said at the end of a public address on Sunday he is following the violence …
Did St. Francis really tame a savage wolf? A look at the legend

By Jonah McKeown, Kate Olivera CNA Staff, Oct 4, 2023 / 04:00 am In the Italian town of Gubbio, some 130 miles north of Rome, sits the church of San Francisco della Pace — the Church of St. Francis “of the Peace.” The church is large and old, and its white stone exterior is …
New film ‘Mother Teresa and Me’ portrays the ‘human being behind the saint’

By Francesca Pollio Fenton CNA Staff, Oct 3, 2023 / 11:30 am A new movie weaves together the lives of two women experiencing self-doubt, but, in the end, both women meet the challenge of their vocations despite their personal struggles. “Mother Teresa and Me”tells the story of Kavita, a young woman …
Be joyful, the Eucharist is not just a metaphor, Bishop Burbidge says

By Daniel Payne Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Oct 3, 2023 / 17:15 pm Bishop Michael Burbidge of the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, recently urged Catholics at Philadelphia’s Eucharistic Congress to “open ourselves to wonder” before the Eucharist and to seek the “strength, consolation and countless graces” the Blessed Sacrament offers the faithful …
Pope Francis: Synod on Synodality’s primary task ‘to refocus our gaze on God’

By Courtney Mares Vatican City, Oct 4, 2023 / 04:15 am Pope Francis opened the Synod on Synodality’s three-week assembly on Wednesday with a call to remember that the Church exists to bring Jesus to the world and should face today’s challenges with a gaze fixed on God rather than “political …
Chicago Auxiliary Bishop Kevin Birmingham, 51, passes away in sleep

By Daniel Payne CNA Staff, Oct 2, 2023 / 17:55 pm Kevin Birmingham, an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago, passed away in his sleep last night, the archdiocese confirmed on Monday afternoon. He was 51. Father Manuel Dorantes, the pastor at St. Mary of the Lake Parish in Chicago, wrote …
Answering the doubts: What are dubia?

By Matthew Bunson CNA Newsroom, Oct 2, 2023 / 11:50 am The publication of a new set of questions addressed to Pope Francis by five longtime cardinals has once again turned the focus of Catholics to the place of “dubia” in the life of the Church. What are dubia? The word “dubia” — plural for a “dubium” — …
9 quotes from saints about guardian angels

By Francesca Pollio Fenton CNA Staff, Oct 2, 2023 / 04:00 am During the month of October, the Catholic Church celebrates guardian angels. Guardian angels are instruments of providence who help protect their charges from suffering serious harm and assist them on the path of salvation. It is a teaching of …
Pope Francis creates 21 new cardinals, expanding body’s geographic diversity

By Jonathan Liedl Vatican City, Sep 30, 2023 / 07:53 am Pope Francis created 21 new cardinals from across the world at a Saturday morning consistory in St. Peter’s Square, reflecting on how the geographic expansion of the Church’s leadership represents a fulfillment of the promise of Pentecost. “You new cardinals …
New study shows that now almost two-thirds of US Catholics believe in Real Presence

By Joe Bukuras Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Sep 29, 2023 / 18:05 pm A new study shows that almost two-thirds of adult Catholics in the United States believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, a significantly different result from the often-cited 2019 Pew Research study that suggested only one-third …