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IMAGE: CNS/Paul Haring By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) — More than two years before the first atomic bomb was dropped, Pope Pius XII warned of the “catastrophic” consequences that could come from using the discovery of nuclear fission to create weapons. Addressing the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in February …

IMAGE: CNS photo/James Ramos, Texas Cat By James Ramos HOUSTON (CNS) — Baseball bats and rosary beads were the only thing on Tonya Killian’s mind as she walked toward Minute Maid Park for Game 3 of the 2017 World Series. A longtime Houston Astros fan and parishioner at Mary Queen …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Anto Akkara By Anto Akkara BANGALORE, India (CNS) — An Indian nun stabbed to death in 1995 will be beatified Nov. 4, and one of those who will celebrate is her assassin. Clarist Sister Rani Maria Vattalil, 41, was stabbed in front of more than 50 bus passengers …

By Carol Zimmermann WASHINGTON (CNS) — Sister Anna Wray is a big fan of eucharistic adoration. There is something about the quiet time in prayer that has spoken powerfully to her over the years making her understand God a little more and also get a clearer sense of her path …

By Amy Wise Taylor BLUFFTON, S.C. (CNS) — When Jennifer Bermejo was growing up in Aguascalientes, Mexico, her family celebrated Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, every year. Bermejo, assistant for Hispanic ministry at St. Gregory the Great Church in Bluffton, recalls it as a fusion of …

By Junno Arocho Esteves ROME (CNS) — The acceptance of artificial contraception by some Christian churches and communities beginning in the 1930s has led “to the monstrosity of what is today known as procreative medicine,” which includes abortion, said German Cardinal Walter Brandmuller. Inaugurating an Oct. 28 conference anticipating the …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Bob Roller By Wallice J. de la Vega LARES, Puerto Rico (CNS) — Hurricane-related deaths in Puerto Rico have been attributed to drowning and illness, but many Puerto Ricans, including local media professionals, see a link between such deaths and poverty. On a recent tour through Puerto Rico’s …

By Carol Glatz VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The joyful hope that flows from faith can change the world, which is why Christians have a crucial part to play in revitalizing Europe, Pope Francis said. “To speak of a Christian contribution to the future of the continent means, before all else, …

From our print edition: Every fall, Catholics in the United States observe National Black Catholic History Month, a reminder that from the Church’s earliest days, Catholics have come from all races, cultures, and nations. The following explanation is from the National Black Catholic Congress, founded in1889 by Cincinnati publisher Daniel …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Karen Callaway, Chicago Catholic By Joyce Duriga CHICAGO (CNS) — Hearing the faith journey of Hollywood actor and businessman Mark Wahlberg left an impression on the hearts of many young adults at the Archdiocese of Chicago’s first (re)Encounter event Oct. 20 at the UIC Pavilion. “It’s powerful for …