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By Courtney Mares Vatican City, Nov 19, 2019 / 06:00 am (CNA).- Pope Francis Tuesday appointed Msgr. Francis Malone, pastor of an Arkansas parish known for having generated many priestly vocations, as the next bishop of Shreveport, Louisiana. Malone, 69, is the pastor of Christ the King in Little Rock, …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Gerald Wutkowski Jr., Catholic Spirit By Marianne Zanko Komek PERTH AMBOY, N.J. (CNS) — In 2013, while volunteering in India, Graciela Colon first heard the inner stirrings of Jesus calling her to a religious vocation. For three weeks, she helped St. Teresa of Kolkata’s Missionary Sisters of Charity, …

IMAGE: (CNS photo/Vatican Media By Carol Glatz VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Although people may have different ways of praying or of serving their parish or the poor, the Catholic Church needs laity, priests, religious, parishes and lay movements to collaborate in order to be truly "catholic," Pope Francis said. More …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Vatican Media By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) — A commitment to defending and protecting human life requires a commitment to ending wars and to promoting nuclear disarmament, Pope Francis said. "Using nuclear weapons is immoral," the pope said in a video message released Nov. 18. The video …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Paul Haring By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The poor are the church’s treasure because they give every Christian a chance to "speak the same language as Jesus, that of love," Pope Francis said, celebrating Mass for the World Day of the Poor. "The poor facilitate our …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Philippe Vaillancourt, Presence By Philippe Vaillancourt QUEBEC CITY (CNS) — The great doorway to growing in the Christian faith is narrowing from year to year in Quebec as baptisms have significantly declined in since 2012 and there’s no indication the trend will reverse. Confronted with a shift away …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Anushree Fadnavis, Reuters By Junno Arocho Esteves VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Following through on a proposal made at the Synod of Bishops for the Amazon, Pope Francis said there are plans to include a definition of ecological sins in the church’s official teaching. "We should be introducing — …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Bob Roller By Carol Zimmermann BALTIMORE (CNS) — One year after the U.S. bishops approved their pastoral letter against racism, the document is hardly just sitting on a shelf but is the basis for listening sessions in dioceses around the country and is an educational tool for individuals, …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Natalie Hoefer, The Criterion By Natalie Hoefer TERRE HAUTE, Ind. (CNS) — Nearly 100 people were bathed in light as they gathered for a prayer vigil at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Terre Haute, not far from the Federal Correctional Complex. Despite the lights and bright glow, …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Paul Haring By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) — With rumors swirling around about two of their members, the bishops of New York state reached the centerpiece of their "ad limina" pilgrimage to Rome: the tomb of St. Peter. The bishops’ early morning Mass in the grotto of …