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By Carol Zimmermann WASHINGTON (CNS) — The Little Sisters of the Poor are once again going to the Supreme Court. The order of women religious who care for the elderly poor have been down this road before, twice defending their right to not comply with the government’s health law requiring …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Debbie Hill By Judith Sudilovsky TEL AVIV, Israel (CNS) — Krystyna Linden does not remember much about the first five years of her life, which she spent in a tiny village outside of Warsaw as the daughter of Michalina Janiszewska. She was born to Rozalia (Rutka) Labenska Lindenbaum …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Denis Balibouse, Reuters By Carol Glatz VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis told global business and government leaders that everyone has the moral responsibility to seek the integral development of all people, but especially those who are in need, suffering injustice or whose lives are threatened. "The moral …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Vatican Media By Carol Glatz VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis condemned the "barbaric resurgence" of anti-Semitism and criticized the selfish indifference that is creating the conditions for division, populism and hatred. "I will never tire of firmly condemning every form of anti-Semitism," the pope told a delegation …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Harald Oppitz, KNA By FRANKFURT, Germany (CNS) — Catholic leaders in Germany have compiled responses from lay Catholics in areas related to who holds power in the church, sexual morals, the role of priests and the place of women in church offices in preparation for an upcoming synodal …

On Conversations with Archbishop Kurtz, Archbishop Kurtz and Chancellor Dr. Brian Reynolds discuss Archbishop’s treatment for cancer and the five months he was away from the Archdiocese being treated at the Duke Cancer Institute.

IMAGE: CNS photo/Vatican Media By VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Every Christian should be grateful for the gift of his or her baptism, and that gratitude should draw them together to recognize that they are brothers and sisters and called to pursue holiness together, Pope Francis said. Welcoming an ecumenical pilgrimage …

Ponce, Puerto Rico, Jan 16, 2020 / 04:00 am (CNA).- Precariously resting on the edge of an altar leaning forward from the impact of the earthquake that struck Puerto Rico, a tabernacle was retrieved intact from a church in Puerto Rico and brought to safety. In the early hours of …

By Matt Hadro Washington D.C., Jan 16, 2020 / 03:55 pm (CNA).- The White House announced new rules from nine federal agencies Thursday to help ensure that religious groups have equal access to public benefit programs. On Jan. 16, Religious Freedom Day, President Donald Trump announced the rules “to protect …

IMAGE: CNS By WASHINGTON (CNS) — Catholics across the country are invited to take part in the 9 Days for Life is a novena for the protection of human life. Each day’s intention is accompanied by a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life. The …