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IMAGE: CNS photo/courtesy Jean Vanier Association By Philippe Vaillancourt MONTREAL (CNS) — Jean Vanier, founder of the ecumenical L’Arche communities that provide group homes and spiritual support for people with intellectual disabilities, used his status to have "manipulative" sexual relationships with at least six women, concludes an internal investigation commissioned …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Rhina Guidos By Rhina Guidos The Vatican announced Feb. 22 that Pope Francis has recognized the martyrdom of a fellow Jesuit, Salvadoran Father Rutilio Grande, and two companions who were murdered en route to a novena in 1977 in El Salvador. Papal recognition of their martyrdom clears the …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Living Bread Radio By CANTON, Ohio (CNS) — Great Catholic Music, a free Catholic music platform with over 16,000 downloads, is partnering with Irish Catholic recording artist Dana this Lent to bring listeners the hourlong program "The Stations of the Cross," airing every Friday of the penitential season. …

IMAGE: CNS photo/courtesy Diocese of St. Petersburg By ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (CNS) — Bishop Gregory L. Parkes of St. Petersburg has declared Feb. 23 as Safe Haven Sunday, a day when parishes in the diocese set aside time to address "the pervasive problem of pornography and its devastating effects on …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Junno Arocho Esteves By Junno Arocho Esteves ROME (CNS) — Three former students at a school for the deaf in Argentina traveled to Rome to demand Pope Francis and Vatican officials release records on priests who abused them and other students. Speaking to journalists at a news conference …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Ezra Acayan, Reuters By Ryan Harms VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Amid continuing concerns about the spread of the coronavirus, Catholics in the Philippines have been asked not to kiss or touch the cross when they venerate it on Good Friday, April 10. Instead, they should "genuflect or make …

IMAGE: CNS photo/Georgina Goodwin for Catholic Relief Services By Carol Zimmermann WASHINGTON (CNS) — When it comes to the three pillars of Lent, almsgiving is a little bit like the middle child, not always getting the attention that prayer and fasting do. The word hardly rolls off the tongue and …

Travellers at an airport in Chengdu, China wear masks to prevent infection from coronavirus, Jan. 23, 2019. Credit: B.Zhou/Shutterstock.
Beijing, China, Feb 17, 2020 / 05:50 pm (CNA).- While the coronavirus outbreak continues, Catholics have sought to provide aid and pastoral care to those threatened by its spread. In mainland China, the death toll of coronavirus has reached 1,771, and more than 70,600 have been infected in the country. …

ovember 27, 2019: Archbishop Charles Chaput in Rome for his final ad limina visit as Archbishop of Philadelphia. Credit: Daniel Ibáñez/CNA
Philadelphia, Pa., Feb 17, 2020 / 04:45 pm (CNA).- Archbishop Charles Chaput has been a diocesan bishop for 31 years. For most of that time, his people have known where to find him on Sunday afternoon or evening: hearing confessions and offering Mass in his cathedral. Chaput celebrated this weekend …

People wearing surgical mask sitting in subway in Shanghai, China. Credit: Robert Wei/Shutterstock
Washington D.C., Feb 18, 2020 / 02:41 pm (CNA).- American bishops and leaders of Catholic aid agencies have praised Vatican and U.S. responses to the coronavirus outbreak, and encouraged the faithful to stay informed about the disease. “As communities and public health officials respond to the outbreak of novel coronavirus …